When we found out that Maynilad had already launched its Paperless Billing Program just this October 2021, we thought that their timing was just perfect. The advantages of getting water bills electronically weigh much more than having them sent via mail. With Maynilad’s Paperless Billing Program, less is actually more. Here are some of the reasons why.

Less Risk
– When we get our bills via e-mail, SMS, or by going directly to our Maynilad account online (https://mywaterbill.mayniladwater.com.ph/, there’s less risk of having our name and account exposed as compared to when they are physically written in mails. Going paperless is a more secure way of viewing our bills because we have all the options – choosing our passwords and changing them whenever we feel we have to. When it comes to security and privacy when we enrolled via Maynilad’s portal, Maynilad cleared it and give us confidence thru its Data Privacy Policy.
Less Time In Waiting For Bills
We now have 24/7 online access to our bills so there’s no need to wait for the mail to come if we want to see them. If we have relatives who are abroad who are the ones paying our bills, they can easily access it online anytime of the day. Previous bills are also stored in Maynilad portal and they are useful in tracking previous consumption. Knowing how much we use water monthly and comparing them per month will make us aware if we are suddenly increasing or decreasing our water use which can alert us of excessive usage or maybe connection problems we are not aware of.
Less Waste
Going paperless is friendly to us as home keeper and our environment. We deal with enough clutter at home and one less paper bill will definitely help. It will also mean that Maynilad will be spending less in paper and in manpower for people who needs to deliver our bills via mail. This means Maynilad can spend more on services that matter more to us as customers.
Less Failed Payments
The chances of losing paper bills is high when they are brought and kept in a mail box before they reach your hands. By enrolling in Maynilad’s Paperless Billing program, we have the option to choose the notification we will receive before our due dates. No matter how good we are in organizing schedules, it’s inevitable to lose track of days and so a reliable alert system will lessen the things we worry about and we pay our dues on time.
Less Contact
We are slowly getting back to normal but it doesn’t mean that we are 100% safe and sure that COVID-19 virus won’t spread again like it did before. The constant threat of new variants only mean that we should still minimize contact with people bringing physical mails or when we are paying our bills outside. Maynilad’s portal doesn’t have the auto-pay or direct to their website payment for now but there are links that will direct us to online banks where we can pay our bills.
How To Enroll
If you have already enrolled previously to Maynilad’s My Water Bill portal, your Maynilad account has been automatically pre-enrolled in the Paperless Billing Program. If you haven’t, here’s an easy way to create your account.
- Visit https://mywaterbill.mayniladwater.com.ph/.
- Enter your Contract Account Number (CAN).
- Nominate a password (The password should be between 6 to 20 characters with at least one (1) uppercase and lowercase letter, and one (1) numeric digit).
- Set security questions to secure your account.
- Select your personal image.
- Input your contact information.
Once you have a portal account, you can now enroll to the Paperless Billing program by simply texting MAYNILAD<space>ON<space>PAPERLESS<space>CONTRACT ACCOUNT NUMBER and sending it to 09191626000.
You can also call the Maynilad Hotline 1626 or visit the official Maynilad Facebook (/MayniladWater) or Twitter (@maynilad) accounts to enroll. Your Name, Contract Account Number, email address, and mobile number must be provided.
By going paperless, Maynilad had just elevated its service at par with worldwide trends and hopefully, more and more services from private and government agencies will follow suit.
For more information about Maynilad Water, check out https://www.mayniladwater.com.ph/contact-us/faqs/
thanks for sharing this one. i definitely agree that it’s less waste when this is done virtually. What a great discovery to promote a friendly environment to our country.