Who can plan the best ways to celebrate Father’s Day better than the moms themselves? So here’s a list of Father’s Day getaways, food trips, gifts and raffle promos from the mommy experts.
Taal Vista Hotel – Making Meaningful Memories at Taal Vista Hotel | by Truly Rich Mom
Holiday Inn Clark – Some Family Time At Last by Mom On Duty
Pico De Loro Cove – A Fun Father’s Day blog by Mrs. P. Cuyugan
Where To Take Dad On Father’s Day by Mom on Duty
Celebrate FATHER’S DAY at BGC with AVIDA by Mommy Bedalyn of Mami and Family
What To Do on Father’s Day by Rikxknowsbest
Gift Ideas
VASTRM Polo Collection as blogged by The Vanilla Housewife
Meltique Australian Beef by Lucky Finds
Kessaku Japanese Restaurant by Lucky Finds
Hotel and Restaurant Father’s Day Promos
16 Dining and Staycation Promos for Father’s Day 2014
Movies To Watch
7 Best Movies for Father’s Day by The Art of Being A Mom
Father’s Day Giveaways/Raffles
Enter To Win A Jord Wood Watch
Bigyan ng Jacket Si Tatay Citizen Services/Mommy Bloggers Philippines Father’s Day Raffle
Win A Seven Corner’s Buffet For Two Raffle by Equal
One stop shop roundup post!