Everyone needs a hobby but for the sake of the argument, take this test and if you say yes to 3 out of these 8, it’s high time you find something that will bring back that spark in you.

1. Do you feel stressed most of the time?
2. Do you think you are not interesting?
3. Do you miss your friends?
4. Do you want to earn more income apart from what you are earning?
5. Are you in the verge of resigning from your work?
6. Do you find yourself comparing yourself to others most of the time?
7. Do you find yourself quiet during parties because you don’t have anything to talk about?
8. Do you want to have fun?
Mothers, no matter how young or old they are, need to find passion in certain things for themselves. Family life will always be there but personal happiness will be more complete if you accomplish something for yourself all by yourself.
Busy? Nah, being busy all the time is usually self-imposed. Don’t be trapped in this personal mantra, instead, find time (at least an hour a day) to leisure yourself to something which will improve you as the days pass by. Take note: a hobby is not wasting time. It is something where you acquire great knowledge as you do it again and again, you reap all the benefits (not only happiness) and you become proud of yourself after a long time. Those 8 questions above, you’ll easily answer them positively when you become successful in finding back your passion.

To give you an idea of some of the most interesting hobbies women and mothers are up to these days, here’s a short list you can check out!
1. Reading ( join a book club or make your own library )
2. Writing ( blogging , you can keep it private like a diary, or join a blogging community like MBP)
3. Cooking ( try to imitate your favorite recipe and give it a twist )
4. Gardening ( there are hundreds of DIY gardening kits out there to try out, or choose to plant herbs you can cook in your own kitchen)
5. Photography ( start small using your camera-phone, join our workshop! )
6. Learn a new musical instrument
7. Get into sports (join a badminton, tennis or volleyball organization)
8. Cross stitch ( classic! did you know that there’s one kind of cross-stitching they cal “diamond” stitching where you wouldn’t need to stitch at all? )
9. Candle making (it’s not easy and it takes skills to do this, plus you get a lot of gift items for special occasions)
10. Learn a new language (it’s fun and you get to make new friends using your new found tongue )
I believe that most moms (even dads) have difficulty or maybe even feeling guilty when they want to have some “me” time. Having some time to follow one’s passion is necessary to have a healthy attitude in life. 🙂
no. 7 is such an eye opener, went through this a few years back, chalked it up to quarter life crisis. haha! 😛 good list and great job of pointing it out!
Being a working mom, its really hard to find a me time but we need it we need some time for ourselves to energize to become a better person and more productive. Now I am back in reading again 🙂
I’m trying to find time for myself nowadays. I feel so busy lately, I haven’t had time to breathe.
I agree. “Being busy” is more like an excuse since if we really want to do something, we should make time for it, right? Great list mommy 🙂 This is exactly what I need to keep my sanity intact. Lol!
I love this post! In my case, writing is my passion, and I get to do it through work and my blog. But teaching is my calling, and I want to do something about it!
I indulge in blogging and sports. So far so good. ♥
Looks like I’m doing well! 🙂 At this point I actually feel that I’m doing what I like. I just need to find more balance.
I agree with the importance of having a hobby just for yourself. It’s something for youself and God knows you deserve it. 🙂 Great list!
Trying to learn new skills and be right on track back to fitness
This is a reality check for all mommies! I answered “yes” to most of the questions. Lol! I guess I need to rekindle my love for singing to make me saner.