Women see their bags differently. While some can live without giving a fuss about what bag they bring everyday, some couldn’t go out without the perfect bag for the occasion, no matter how trivial it may be. But most of us women will agree in one thing that whatever bag we carry, it can either make or break us in different ways.
We need to protect our bags not only because we invest in them but also because our bags say a lot about us. Unlike other accessories and fashion statements, bags rarely go out of style IF you know how to tweak and carry them according to the latest trends. That is why we should always keep our bags in their best shapes, so that they will last the longest time we need them, and they can fulfill their ultimate role, that is to carry our belongings and make us look good all the time.

Oh My Bag
Oh My Bag is the go-to online shop when it comes to affordable (yes, affordable!) yet excellent quality bag care products. Their shop is filled with bag accessories meant to preserve our bags’ beauty and quality.
• Bag Raincoats
• Bag Stuffers
• Bag Wraps/Handle Wraps
• Bag Filer
• Base Shapers
• Dust Bags
• Shoe Stuffers
You can find Oh My Bag online at http://www.ohmybag.com.ph/ and their social media pages:
instagram: ohmybagphils
twitter: ohmybagph
facebook: ohmybagph
Oh My Bag is the trade name of Yala Bags Trading – a 100% Filipino-owned company focusing on products and services aligned towards the preservation, protection and beautification of fashion items such as ladies bags.
Stay tuned for our Mommy Reviews of Oh My Bag products!
I learned of this from one of the mommies and even bookmarked it should I find the time to go downstairs and use desktop to shop. Ihihi. Thanks for reminding me.
I like their handle wraps and the dust bags are definitely a necessity.
I’ve ruined a lot of bags because I just throw them inside my closet. This is definitely a must have for me.
This is very informative. Thanks for posting.
Oh my Bag, this is really nice bags. I’d like to check this out.
Not really a bag person, so to speak. I am good with a backpack any day but I think it is about time that I need to look for what I call girly bags so I wouldn’t look like a student. LOL! Am not aware of bag care and all so this is really great information for me. 🙂
Wow its nice to know that there are some ways to keep our precious bags in shape. Will definitely check this out.
Whoa! I need that bag filer… It’s nice that they came up with products like these =)
This is great! I have to show this to my mom 🙂
Wow these are so useful! I’m guilty of not taking care of my bags! :p