As mothers, one of our constant struggle is keeping our children’s skin healthy and free of skin infection. From the time our babies were born, they are already exposed to different elements which make them susceptible to skin diseases and allergies. And as they grow older, they become involved with physical activities which most often scratch their skin or wound them.
Naturally, we moms do our best to treat their wounds in ways that we know. Some of these ways were long passed through generations and some we got from our friends. Unfortunately, we may have not noticed it but years already have passed and most of what we know are already outdated, and may cause harm to our kids than do good.
LEO Pharma™, a big pharmaceutical company focusing in developing products to make our skin healthy, had been in the business for more than 50 years. They saw the need for our moms here in the Philippines to be more aware of the proper ways of keeping the skin against wound infection. As part of their initiative for this campaign and in partnership with their digital marketing partner PurpleBug®, an event was held in Sofitel Manila wherein moms as well as medical experts in skin infection, Dr. Kristine Garcia, a pediatrician, and Dr. Irene Gardiner were there and made interesting talk about the following :
No To “Staphy”
Staphy or staphylococcus aureus is a kind of bacteria which lives in our skin. Most of us carry this bacteria and it is harmless as long as we are able to prevent it from going inside our body through an open wound. When we fail to do that and “staphy” gets inside, our skin or our children’s skin gets infected. The wound becomes red, painful and becomes worse.

Proper wound care
When it comes to wound care, it’s important to know the basic but important ways to help the skin heal fast and not allow the bacteria to come inside.
- Stopping the bleeding through a sterile bandage
- Washing the wounds with soap and water. Alcohol and antiseptics are not always needed. Sometimes using these may not be even helpful because it increases the skin’s resistance to medication.
- Applying Fusidic acid/Fucidate sodium over the wound to help it fight “Staphy.”
- Covering wounds with bandage and changing it when it becomes dirty or wet.
- Observing if the wound heals or if there’s a sign of infection such as redness, warmth or swelling, parents must seek medical care.

Join the fight against wound infection
Just like in any battle, one of the keys of winning is preparation. That is also true when it comes to wound infection. Wise moms should make sure that they have the right armors to be of advantage in a fight and when it comes to fighting wound infection, having a wound care kit is very essential.
What does a perfect wound care kit contain?
- Sterile cotton balls and cotton-tipped swabs
- Plastic strips
- Cotton-tipped swabs
- Antiseptic
- Gauze pads
- Surgical Scissors
- Medical Tape
- Fucidin® ointment
- Fucidin® cream
Fucidin® ointment or cream, as we learned, is the moms’ ally in preventing wound infection and it also has ingredients that kills the organisms that cause impetigo, boils or “pigsa”, carbuncles, acne vulgaris, and paronychia.
Learning all about Fucidin® and what it can do against “staphy”, the bacteria we should really hate the most, gives us moms a relief that we can let our kids be pro-active and grow up without fear of wound infection.

Oh, I need this. I think Baby Charley could be suffering from one. It started with insect bite, and then she scratched it, now it looks really infected. Thanks for sharing, Mommy.
always have this at home as per recommendation of our pedia. heals wound fast especially minor or small ones.
This is one of the most educational event na sana pinuntahan ko..bacterial infection is a big no for kids! But for me it’s the fact that it can easily heal pigsa is what interest me the most 🙂
I think I should get this for my little girl lalo na mas prone sya sa wounds because she’s super kulit!
My baby has always insect bites. Thank you for sharing the list for wound care kit.
No staphy!! My daughter have skin asthma so nakakapraning talaga.
All homes should have this on hand. Will add this to our medical kit.
This is very useful information for all moms, especially those with kids who are very physically active.
Wow, thank you for sharing! My daughter had a wound recently and reading your list made me realize what I didn’t do! This was very informative for me!
This looks like a nice product. I will recommend this to my friends. Thanks for sharing!