More and more families today are being blown away by the pain of losing loved ones because of cancer. The word itself is dreaded and we can only pray that nobody we know is touched by this disease in their lifetime. But a brighter hope is out there, with a medical technology which is already helping hundreds of Filipinos, making treatments less painful, more affordable and with greater chances of recovery. Give some time to read these medical documentations provided by FUDA CANCER HOSPITAL representatives whom we’ve recently met in an intimate discussion. They were very passionate in letting us know how medical treatments go on in this hospital and how the Filipino patients who are undergoing treatments had already formed their own community there.

According to the WHO (World health Organization) cancer is the leading cause of death worldwide. Conventional treatments include surgery, chemo or radiation therapy. While these may succeed in fighting the dreaded disease, it produces limited results.

FUDA Cancer Hospital in located in Guangzhou, Guangdong province. It has two facilities one in Tianhe District(located in the 2nd, Tangde Xi Road, Tianhe District, Guangzhou) and one in Haizhu District (located in Jude Zhong Road, Haizhu District, Guangzhou). Both are well-equiped cancer treatment centers well-known for minimally invasive therapies, innovative treatments and conventional methods of chemotherapy, radiotherapy, and surgery.
In 2010, Fuda Cancer Hospital became one of the National Key Clinical Cancer Specialty Center designated by the Chinese Government. The hospital has so far received more than 15 millions RMB (estimated 2.5 million in US$) of cancer research grant.
The hospital president is Professor Xu Kecheng, a renowned and highly respected specialist in general oncology and gastroenterology. The honorary president is Professor Wu Mengchao, who is Academician at the Chinese Academy of Sciences. The hospital chief advisor is Professor Wang Zhenyi another Academician serving at Fuda Cancer Hospital.
The hospital focuses on early diagnosis and treatment of various cancers in the organs of pancreas, liver, lung, breast, uterus, stomach, esophagus, tongue, prostate, skin and larynx, as well as nasopharyngeal cancer, colorectal cancer and lymphoma. The hospital continually strives to provide a high quality and seamless medical services to all patients around the world.
In addition to conventional methods of chemotherapy, radiotherapy, and surgery, Fuda Cancer Hospital has been innovative in applying its unique “3C + P” cancer treatment approach, i.e. Cryosurgical Ablation (CSA), Cancer Microvessel Intervention (CMI), Combined Immunotherapy for cancer (CIC), and Personalized therapy as well as other new technologies such as Nano knife, seed knife branchytherapy, radiofrequency ablation, photodynamic therapy, and bioimmunotherapy.

So far, Fuda Cancer Hospital has performed more than 10,000 cases of cryoablations, the most number cases performed by a single hospital worldwide. It is also the designated international training center of cryosurgery for doctors from the Asian-Pacific region and other parts of the world.
In the last couple of years, Fuda has opened its doors to the world, accepting patients from different countries including the Philippines The hospital has treated almost 10,000 patients in the last decade.
Unlike typical hospitals where patients consult with 1 or 2 specialists, at FUDA each cancer patient is diagnosed and treated by a team of physicians. The entire hospital is dedicated to the treatment of cancer disease, and it has over100 doctors available round-the-clock.
Once a patient is admitted, the test results and the treatment plan is studied by a group of doctors, not like in the Philippines where only a single doctor decides on the treatment. With several minds determining the best strategy, patients are assured of the best possible approach in cancer treatment.
In the Philippines a group known as Philippine Volunteers for Fuda has been responsible for spreading information on how Filipinos can avail of cryosurgery and other treatments. The group is composed of families of patients with first hand experience on how the treatment has helped them fight cancer.
Filipino patients were immediately attracted to FUDA’s success rate, plus the homey hospital facility in Guangzhou. For instance, the cable channel line-up in every room includes TFC (The Filipino Channel) and so patients will not lose track of their favorite teleserye and other local shows.
Carlos Pedrosa is looking healthy and fit, no trace of his battle with stage four lung cancer some years ago.
His unhealthy lifestyle proved to be the culprit. “It started with a prolonged cough , very dry cough. I used to drink and smoke a lot. I thought ubo lang, pero nung tumagal , my family became worried. When we saw my x-ray there was a very big tumor. X-ray pa lang kitang kita na. ”
Diagnosed with stage 4 lung cancer, Carlos was not ready for the difficult news. “It was pretty advanced. The tumor was 6 cm about the size of a tennis ball. It was at my right lung. My lymph nodes were also affected.”
Because of the “advanced condition” of the disease Carlos lost all hope of getting better. “I did not want to see doctors anymore. I did not want to get a second opinion. Akala if I get a second opinion na ganun din, I will get a heart attack, before I die of cancer.”
Friends and family members encouraged Carlos to stand up and fight. “Fortunately one of my friends was a member of the volunteer group. I was advised to leave for Guangzhou immediately.”
Carlos stayed in Fuda Hospital for four months. “The doctors in FUDA didn’t promise me anything., but they said they will help. The fact that they were willing to help e fight cancer meant so much. ”
The doctors administered cryosurgery along with other treatments. In a few weeks Carlos was on his way to recovery.
“The turning point was the positive atmosphere in Fuda. The doctors, the nurses, the patients, the whole community, they were always smiling and they all seem happy. It was a very positive experience. I even met patients whose cancer was way more advanced than mine, and yet they continue to fight.”
Today Carlos is 100% cancer-free.
Some are worried about expenses because it requires patients to stay in China for a few months. Cryosurgery is not available in the Philippines. Aside from airfare and accommodations the cancer treatment cost is almost the same as the ones offered in leading hospitals in the Philippines.
Some patients find it more affordable, because in FUDA the medical staff is charged as one. The entire team of doctors who will diagnose and treat the patient only requires a single payment, not like here, where each doctor requires a separate fee.
Fuda Cancer Hospital is currently offering 40% discount to Filipinocancer patients until April 30, 2016.
Mr. Segundo Cruz III
Fuda Cancer Hospital
Mob. No.: +63 917 775 34 26
Land-line: +63 2 507 34 26
Office No.: +63 2 635 93 25
Office Address:
Rm. 407, The Linden Suites, 37 San Miguel Avenue, Ortigas Center, Pasig City 1600, Philippines
Tel. No.: +86 20 3899 3966
Fax: No.: +86 20 3899 3950
Mobile Number: +86 189 289 219 79
China Office:
Rm. 612 No.2 Tangde Xi Rd, Tianhe District, Guangzhou, China 510665
Cancer is an enemy, I wish this place all the best in their treatments. By the look at the pics, it seems that they have really good facilities.
It is good to know that we are continuously improving and discovering ways in fighting this illness. Gives us a light of hope.
Though I do not like to be in that hospital nor my family to be admitted there, I wish FUDA Cancer Hospital the best. Its good to know that there are groups passionate enough to care for cancer-stricken patients.
Although I never wanna be a patient in this hospital or any hospital, we’ll pray for the success of this hospital and its procedures. 🙂
If I’m not mistaken, this is the hospital my interviewee told me about years back, back when I was still working as a news reporter. He was a cancer survivor who got healed when he went to a certain hospital in China with a unique method for cancer treatment. I hope he’s still cancer-free!
Sounds like a great hospital for cancer patients. I hope we’ll get to have one like this here in the Philippines though.
I heard there is a “cure” for Cancer in China. I know someone who’s mom went there to get treatment for breast cancer. I’m just not sure if this is the same hospital. Good to know that there is hope against the big C.
I wish I wouldn’t have to search for Cancer cure for myself or anyone someday. But hope for cancer has always been a comforting and reassuring topic. But of course, whenever I hear cancer or any other condition for that matter, my immediate association is God. He is our ultimate Healer!
It’s so good to hear this good news. The big C is really such a dreadful disease and to hear that a facility can cure it is really wonderful news. I hope cryosurgery can also be made available here in the near future.
Hopefully progressive treatment like this becomes available to the masses.
This looks like a really good hospital for cancer patients.
Looks like a great place for cancer patients. I hope that more people can afford it though.
I’ve heard of this hospital! It’s quite popular and so far they have a good reputation.