World Vision in the Philippines has recently launched its 1st Virtual Run for Children. The goal of this event is to promote fitness and health during the community quarantine in the country while raising funds for the benefit of World Vision’s most vulnerable children and communities.
Due to the effects of the COVID-19 pandemic, marginalized Filipino families especially children are the ones most affected. Their basic needs such as food, hygiene, and education are all compromised. By mounting a virtual run, World Vision aims to contribute to addressing these problems. Participants are encouraged to run for a cause that will reach communities all over the Philippines without them having to leave their homes.
“World Vision is excited for its first-ever virtual run for children. It is our prayer that friends and families will be refreshed as they continue supporting the most vulnerable children. In these trying times, we hope that this will also provide them with an enjoyable, safe and healthy way to somehow reconnect in a virtual manner,” World Vision National Director Rommel Fuerte said.
At the forefront of this event are child advocates and World Vision’s celebrity ambassadors Enzo Pineda, Gelli Victor, and Gretchen Ho.
“I’m supporting The World Vision Virtual Run because fitness/health, education, and children are advocacies close to my heart. These are essential areas that we consistently need to focus on for a better future. Our children are the future and we need to empower them now more than ever,” Enzo Pineda shared.
“It will be a while before we can all experience fun runs that we are used to but with this virtual run, you will have a semblance of it. This is the first virtual run for a cause. You will be accountable for your own performance by tracking your own distance and speed and you still get a medal after,” Gelli Victor said.“If you are running to stay fit whether on a treadmill or on the road, why not help children out while you are at it?”
“I’m so excited because I’ve been looking for a motivation to work out. This is perfect for me because then I’d have reason to go and run!! I’ve been used to preparing for races and having goals for my workouts. This gives me that. Plus, when I feel low, I’ll just think of the kids and it’ll give me an extra boost!” Gretchen Ho stated.
Interested participants just need to sign up by selecting the advocacy they wish to support, whether Education or Health & Nutrition, and their preferred mileage, either 21K, 50K, 100K, or 200K. Then, run anytime and anywhere between June 15 to July 31, 2020. Once they have reached the goal, they can get a limited-edition World Vision Virtual Run for Children Finisher Shirt and a Finisher Medal.
The participants can walk or run whether indoors or outdoors and use running or steps app to monitor the distance, also making sure that they follow the community quarantine regulations in their area.
To make this virtual run even more interesting, World Vision is challenging participants to step up their game by inviting family and friends to donate to their chosen advocacy. For this challenge, the runners will sign up on “Joy to Give” by visiting, choose a target number of back-to-school kits if they are from Team Education or family sanitation kits if they are from Team Health & Nutrition, and fundraise with their friends and family as they complete their run! Participants of “World Vision’s Virtual Run for Children” will be the first to have access to “Joy to Give”, World Vision’s own crowdfunding platform launching this June.
The fees are ranging from Php 1,050.00 to Php 1,650.00 and it’s inclusive of a shirt, medal, and an e-certificate. A portion of the proceeds will contribute to World Vision’s projects for Education and Health & Nutrition.
“We are appealing to everyone who can help and join us. Let us Run for Children!” Mr. Fuerte added.
To register for the World Vision Virtual Run for Children, please visit
For more updates on the event, like and follow World Vision Run on Facebook,
I am so glad they were able to find an alternative. And I hope that a huge number of kids are able to be helped through this. Thank you for sharing.
Its a very good initiative! Good luck with this
It is nice to have this with your kids at home. I think this will be the trend of most runs this year. This is nice to try though.
I salute World Vision for doing this great cause and I will support them so that I can also help others even in my own little way. Goodluck to everyone in this run!
Wow this is the first time i’ve heard of the virtual run! It’s nice how its an honesty basis and how it’ll help the children!
wow..this is quite vision is doing such a great work..I was not aware of this until i read..Thanks for hsaring information..
A virtual run could be an awesome training for the brain and emotional state of so many people gathering together and pursuing one goal.
This is a great idea. Maintaining physical activity during a lockdown is difficult and the virtual run could give the motivation to maintain your health.
COVID 19 really hit us hard. I think this an amazing event and I hope it’s super successful. The fact that we can run indoor and outdoor I’ll have to sign up.
This is a great support and create the awareness of the importance of health and fitness for the young.
A virtual run for kids!!! I am definitely gonna join my kids, what an amazing idea, love it.
I think it is a great way to become motivated when we are stuck inside. It is a cause well worth getting into action as well.
I would LOVE to support and join and have never heard of a virtual run!
This Virtual Run looks so much fun to join. If I can, I would join into this too.
This is a great innovative. Bless all the hearts that planned it. We need a lot of ideas like this to ease the tension brought on by Covid-19