The work of a homemaker is truly rewarding, especially when you see your children slowly growing into exceptional individuals who will fulfill Jose Rizal’s vision of “pag-asa ng bayan.” But, just like any noble pursuits, the task of caring for the family full-time can be overwhelming and exhausting because there is practically no time off for the homemaker.
A recent U.S. study revealed that the work of a stay-at-home-mother (SAHM) is equivalent to holding two and a half full-time jobs since stay-at-home-moms put in a monstrous 98 hours of work a week. Given this incredible load, you need all the help that you can get to ease your burden.
Even if there are no people around you who can assist in your daily duties, you can always get the support you need by purchasing the right appliances. In case you are wondering which are the best ones for homemakers like yourself, you may want to consider investing in the following items:
Washing Machine
Perhaps an absolute must-have appliance for any homemaker is a washing machine. Washing your family’s clothes and linens is a task that you cannot get out of, considering the dust, dirt, and humidity in the country. And if you are going to hand wash all your laundry, you will have no time and energy to do anything else.
Aside from being time-consuming and taxing, frequent handwashing can severely damage your skin because of the harsh chemicals in detergent soaps and powders. Using rubber gloves can also cause rashes and trigger an allergic reaction.

Ease your suffering and protect your hands by using a reliable washer. You can load your clothes in the machine, start the cycle, and leave it to finish the job. Imagine getting your laundry done without getting your hands wet. Isn’t it more convenient?
A piece of advice, though: when buying a washer, check the store’s washing machine with dryer price list first before making a decision. Indeed, if your budget allows it, it is best to get a washer-dryer combo for maximum convenience and efficiency. After all, wringing clothes by hand can be tedious as well.
Rice Cooker
Rice is a Filipino staple food, and you probably prepare it at least twice a day. A Pinoy meal is never complete without a bowl of this crucial energy source. To ensure perfectly cooked rice without tsamba, buying a rice cooker should be high up on your list of kitchen appliances must-haves.
Cooking rice over the stove can be a hassle since you need to check often if the grains are cooking well. How many times have you eaten burnt rice because you were preoccupied with something else and didn’t turn off the stove quickly enough? With a rice cooker, on the other hand, all you have to do is to measure and wash the rice, add an appropriate amount of water, turn the appliance on, and you are done!
The cooker also has a keep-warm option that can keep the rice warm for hours. Apart from convenience, rice cookers are also versatile. You can use it to make oatmeal, porridge, and stews. You can even use it for steaming your family’s favorite siopao and siomai.
Air Fryer
If you are on the lookout for ways to improve your family’s health and overall wellbeing, a new air fryer can help you out immensely. This modern appliance will allow you to create healthy and low-fat dishes in a breeze. Imagine cooking crispy and perfectly fried chicken, French fries, and other tasty meals that your family enjoys without the harmful fat.
Air fryers also cook food much faster, and clean-up is effortless. Don’t you hate scrubbing oily and greasy pans after cooking? You do not have to go through the same struggle with an air fryer since you only need a soft sponge with warm, soapy water to clean the food basket.
Because of the warm tropical climate in the Philippines, a refrigerator is an absolute necessity. Remember that food deteriorates at a much faster rate at higher temperatures. How else can you keep your food fresh without a ref in the house? Besides extending the life of your food, a reliable fridge will also cool your drinks so that you always have a refreshing beverage available, especially during hot days.

When shopping for a refrigerator, it would help to look for features that will allow you to save time, energy, and money. For instance, you may want to consider a no-frost ref for trouble-free maintenance, or one with an inverter compressor for better energy efficiency.
Air Conditioner
Climate change is real, and it has prompted the steady rise of temperature in the country. As the number of hot days and warm nights continue to increase, you need more than just a few electric fans to keep you and your family comfortable.
To ensure a good night’s rest after a day of work, you should invest in an air conditioner to keep your room cool. Make sure to consider the size of your room when buying one and to look for features that can help you save on electricity, such as inverter technology, timer, and energy-saving mode, among others.
The items above are just a few of the household appliances that you should invest in to carry out your domestic duties as a homemaker more conveniently and comfortably. Keep in mind that, as with any other job, it is crucial to work smarter, not harder, when you manage the household. And as you save more time and energy, you can finally care for the ultimate hero in your home—you.
Some very important appliances to have, most especially the washing machine cause it makes life easier.
I also love having an Instant Pot and it makes great rice too.
I legit use my air fryer everyday! no joke its the best thing ever. I just have a small one but still amazing
I’m not really fond of using aircons, but for a whole family especially if there’s a baby. I believe it’s a must.
Heck yes to the air conditioner. Although I only need mine about 2 months out of the year, hehe.
These appliances all make life so much easier. It is important to get the best quality. This is a time when research really matters.
YES! We use our washing machine, rice cooker, and air fryer DAILY.