
Welcome everyone! We hope you like our newest look and address. Feel free to put in your comments about how you feel about this new site, the look, the colors and the feature. We look forward to highlight all our member bloggers here, learn from each, share our photos together during activities, or if you meet other bloggers during events, feel free to send in your photos so we can publish them here 🙂

Our email is always open for your suggestions. May we have more fruitful years as we touch more people’s lives through our meaningful motherly blogs.

More power to us all!

Mommy Bloggers Philippines

mbp pink


  1. Thanks for creating this group. I am looking forward to know other members and learn from the group. Keep up the Great work!

    • Lanie

      It’s a fun group mommy Jhanis! Looking forward to your blog posts and comments 🙂

  2. I love the site and I’m so excited to see it develop more! 🙂

  3. diosyl

    sooo nice!! 🙂 Proud to be part of this group 🙂

  4. Wow, I’m so glad to be a part of this group! God bless us all!

  5. Wow congrats Lanie! I’m so honored and lucky to be one with this mommy bloggers group. Can’t wait to meet everyone and learn from our blogging journey. I love how the group practices friendly and helpful atmosphere. Cheers to more years of motherly blogging and friendship. 🙂

    • Lanie

      So happy for your comment Sally! That’s our vision for our group, a long and lasting friendly atmosphere for all mommy bloggers 🙂

  6. This is nice,I am really proud to all mommies here.. Thank you for this too Mommy Lani.^^

    • Lanie

      Hi mommy Jo, it’s a group effort and I’m so happy to have all the great mommy bloggers in here with us, including you 🙂

  7. Thanks for inviting me to be part of this group. I am learning so much from other mommy bloggers. The members are all accommodating and nice. I love Mommy Bloggers Philippines!I feel so blessed.

    • Lanie

      Hi Mommy SJ, thank you for joining. Keep it up with your wonderful blogs! See you around 🙂

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