1. Hello! I never tried this product and i really want to see if it can do wonders for me hehe

    Thank you sis!

  2. I’ve heard a lot about Godiva. I would like to try and review your products.

  3. I want to step out from my comfort zone, so might as well try this one. ๐Ÿ™‚

  4. I’d like to try Godiva, too. I tried a couple of natural skincare products and would like to see how this brand will do on my skin. Thanks!

  5. Signed up too! Hihi would love to try Godiva products and post a review about them โ™ฅ

    • Lanie

      Hi Mara, thanks for your interest on this project unfortunately the call for participants had already ended. You will know from the group if this has been opened again.

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