The Benefits of Drinking Tea

Tea is usually associated with English afternoon snacks or Chinese meal partners, but did you know that tea packs a punch and is loaded with numerous health benefits? Aside from it being loaded with polyphenols, an antioxidant, and phytochemicals, it is also filled with other benefits that make you want to drink every day.

iced tea

Tea boosts exercise endurance. The antioxidant, catechin, is found in green tea extract and increases the body’s ability to burn fat as fuel, which also contributes to muscle endurance.

Tea hydrates. Contrary to popular belief, tea is a good way to hydrate your body. Not only does it help replenish your body fluids, but it also contains antioxidants that help fuel your other body functions.

Tea helps fight free radicals. Tea is known to be high in oxygen radical absorbance capacity or ORAC, which destroys free radicals that damage the DNA. Fighting off free radicals is needed, especially since radicals have been linked to cancer, heart disease, and neurological degeneration.

Tea helps your battle with the bulge. Those who wish to drop a few pounds may want to load up on their tea. In a few studies, scientists have speculated that regular tea drinking lowers the risk of metabolic syndrome, which is the slowing down of the metabolism that leads to obesity.

People enjoy taking their tea in different ways, but because of the constant hot weather and everyone’s tight schedule, most people want their tea cold and easy to bring anywhere, anytime. This is why many love Nestea in a bottle. Its three flavors Lemon, Lemon Ice, and Apple will surely delight anyone’s taste buds while enjoying the benefits of tea.



  1. Sharon

    I love to drink green tea! I didn’t know it helped with exercise endurance. Good to know.

  2. Rose Ann Sales

    I love this drink so much. Thanks for sharing its benefits.

  3. Krysten

    I love drinking tea, for all these benefits and because it’s delish! Thanks for sharing!

  4. I’ve started to drink green tea daily and I love it…I heard it is beneficial but had no idea it is that healthy, awesome…

  5. Gervin Khan

    To be honest, this is the first time that I’ve read the benefits of drinking tea and it’s totally wonderful what it can brings to our body. I’ve definitely gonna drink tea from now on. Thanks for sharing this to us.

  6. I know the benefits of tea as well as lemon water and yet I rarely do it. I will be trying harder this week!

  7. Jasmine Martin

    I am a huge tea drinker. Drinking tea always helps me to feel relaxed and it definitely helps my stomach to feel settled.

  8. I’m such a huge tea lover and have to admit that my pantry is filled with so many I barely have room for my other snacks haha. Also, I love that tea helps with the bulge because I can truly attest for that myself!

  9. Elizabeth O

    I am a tea lover. It can boost the immune system and may soothe the digestive system.

  10. My husband drinks a lot of tea, but i just can’t give up my coffee!

  11. Tea is really very effective and had many of benefits..indeed this blog post is very helpful and useful…Thanks for sharing these benefits with us…

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