Why Moms Should Read Food Reviews

Why are moms fond of food reviews? Easy. Because as mothers, we want to be able to order the best-tasting food within our budgets. No matter how lavish our desire to spend the day in a good-looking restaurant, the bottom line will be the taste and the price. Right? And the best sources to get information for these crucial details will be none other than the food reviews written by persons who were actually there, persons that we know and trust.

The Right Place

Restaurant business is the most active business here in the Philippines and you will see new food spots sprouting here and there. Almost always we feel surprised that our favorite burger joint has a new branch just around the corner. By following our favorite foodies, we instantly know where to go and the right places to check them out. Saves us a lot of time and gas!

The Right Price

Food reviews give us an idea what we should order before heading out to a restaurant. It’s not that it saves us time when we dine in but very useful in budgeting. It’s so easy to go overboard when you are already inside a restaurant, you wanted to order already, and you just don’t have the time to check everything on the menu.

The Right Taste

The most important reason of all, the taste! Most moms aren’t very much complicated when it comes to food. But when you have a family to bring in, taste issues become a little bit difficult when you want them to eat healthy too. Food reviews guide mothers to know which of the dishes on the menu will fit into her delicious but healthy category.

Know The Difference Between Food Bloggers Vs Food Promoters

The internet is already full of food bloggers actually but we all appreciate these because they provide us more than enough information about all kinds of food. The problem is sometimes, we don’t know which one of them gives honest reviews or they were just paid to give good feedback.ย  Tip: Check out how often they use superlatives (best, amazing, superb). You can quickly decide if the writers used these words just because their vocabularies are limited or if they are just trying to lure you into dining in.

ย Zomato


Recently, we found out about Zomato, an online restaurant review site which covers not only the Philippines but 18 more countries as well. Within this site are thousands of food reviews for over 329,500 restaurants (Zomato stats display here). Just type in a specific restaurant or browse on the categories, and you’ll be able to see so many local reviews per branches with photos and rates. A Zomato mobile app is also available if you want to use it on your phone.

If you want to share your own experiences, you may create your own account and write your own reviews. What’s more unique is that all these reviews can be shared with your friends. You can all network with each other, follow your friends and other food bloggers to be constantly updated on where they went and what went on on their food trip. There’s nothing like knowing who to trust when it comes to food, right?

So next time you’ve heard about a new food spot, an upcoming food fad, or maybe curious of something new to eat, type in and search to read quality food blogs or food reviews. Or type in Zomato.


  1. So true! I like reading food reviews especially is the place is famous but I also try to keep on open mind.

  2. R U S S

    “Know The Difference Between Food Bloggers Vs Food Promoters” Right on, Lani!

    I’m not a mom and I don’t have kids yet, but I’ve always found food reviews to be very helpful. I do pick though which food reviews to trust. I’m wary of the promoters coz there are a lot of them that write reviews that are clearly PR. I’ve nothing against ’em, but I trust reviews that can tell me which one is good and which one isn’t.

    Zomato has been pretty trust-worthy. My howe and I have checked out Zomato several times, mostly if it’s a new restaurant that we have not been to.

  3. As a mom, I usually go for the price and quality of the food! Exploring a new restaurant can be daunting especially when there’s no guarantee whether it’ll be worth it. The best place? Food reviews!

  4. I agree with everything you say in your post! I’m not a mom yet but I’m a truly vegetarian and I like to be prepare to what I’m waling into to…

  5. I think the reviews would really help. It’s not even just the food, sometimes, I enjoy and make use of reviews to really stay within the budget or even to stay up to date with the recent developments of places I wanted to visit. ๐Ÿ™‚

  6. Jason Panuelos

    It definitely pays to read food reviews first! At least you know every side to a restaurant if you aren’t sure about it at first. ๐Ÿ˜€

  7. Food reviews with recipes makes me feel delightfully captivated. The photos too adds to the enticing reviews.

  8. I always read restaurant reviews, especially of those places I’ve never been to, usually for me to have an idea on what’s being served and how much. I also read reviews on the quality of service.

    In terms of taste, I don’t really rely on food reviews not because they may just be luring me into going there, but because, for me, taste is preferential. There are a few exceptions, though. Like the one I read about Pinoy food that didn’t taste the way they should (and the service sucked). I heed those warnings seriously as we are a family of 5, I don’t want to waste money on food that we won’t like, haha.

  9. Ron Leyba

    Food reviews are becoming more important nowadays. Just a tip: don’t rely solely on the food reviews coming from food review sites. Instead, Google the food place/resto up and see if any negative blog posts comes up.

  10. My wife was thinking of how to order some good stuff online, especially the ones which are inexpensive and tasty. I think we just landed on the right page. This is just great!

  11. In Sacramento, Yelp is very popular for food reviews and other kinds of services reviews. I’m a mom too and I make it a point to read reviews prior to visiting a new place.

    A few things missing that I notice from food reviews would be the days and operating hours of the restaurant, address and contact details. Sometimes the name of the manager would be helpful too.

  12. Sometimes I don’t like food reviews… Because it has a personal bias. I say, I have to go to a place and experience it for myself.

  13. Yeah! Zomato will be launching soon in Malaysia. So mummy here can download it soon. Haha..

  14. I usually turn to food/resto reviews if I’m in a certain place and I want to try this food but quite worried it will not be worth the price. These kind of apps would be very helpful for food enthusiasts like me. However, I wonder if it will work offline?

  15. Never heard of Zomato before. Thanks. It is hard to write about food. It is also hard to write a bad review when the meal is given for free. Take note of the disclaimers.

  16. Not only moms, everyone should always read reviews before going out. You’ve got some wonderful tips there dear ๐Ÿ™‚

  17. though I am not a mom yet still reading food reviews is one habit that always leads us to a good dine out experience. Great post dear.

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