5 Reasons Why You Shouldn’t Let Go Of Your Dream Home Plans Even In This Time Of Pandemic

5 Reasons Why You Shouldn’t Let Go Of Your Dream Home Plans Even In This Time Of Pandemic

Buying a home is every parent’s ultimate goal.  It’s a dream property that we can either work into achieving sooner or later, depending on a hundred kinds of situations wherein financial capacity is just one of them. In this time of the pandemic, many are considering their options when it comes to their dream homes. Is it still possible to buy a house during this time when things are not certain to get well?

Actually yes, and statistics show that interest in buying residential properties even strengthened in the Philippines last year 2020.

Here are 5 reasons why buying your dream home is still possible even in this time of pandemic:

  1. Property developers are offering good real estate promos.

Real estate developers give their share of aiding the economy by offering housing that has affordable and flexible payment terms. There are also immediate housing projects for citizens who needed residential units that are ready for occupancy.

  1. Pagibig, the state-funded housing agency, is more eager to help the citizens during this time of of pandemic. Although their offered promo rates were done as of last year, The Home Development Mutual Fund (Pag-IBIG Fund) is more aggressive in its home loan disbursements as this will mean more liquid cash flow to help its members.
  1. There are more opportunities to work even while at home. The crisis made more Filipinos digitally aware and proactive when it comes to earning even while at home. Because of this, having a residential property has never been more appealing especially to parents who plan ahead in case the pandemic is extended or happen again in the near future.

It’s even more convenient these days to assess one’s capacity to pay mortgage by using an online mortgage calculator.  You can even see graphs of loan repayment along with monthly and yearly amortisation tables which make budgeting mortgage payments years ahead.

  1. Infrastructure and road developments are paving the way for cheaper and better residential choices.

The government has been pushing its building projects more than ever to help the economy and this in turn will give easier access for the majority of commuting and working citizens. Choosing more affordable homes that are usually located in further areas from the city can now be a viable option.

  1. There are better reasons to focus on buying your own property than renting.

Deciding on renting and buying a home is a very personal decision and many factors should be considered before arriving in a good and profitable one. However, the most ideal will always be the one where a family gets to own a property that they can either earn from or retire on in the future.

This pandemic has certainly been a challenge for all of us and while we are all still fighting to survive our present, it doesn’t mean that we should give up hope in building our future. The records are there that there are more positive reasons to hold on to that dream home plan.


  1. Nikki Wayne

    Nice article. And thanks for the info, it’s so helpful

  2. Krysten Quiles

    This is so wise. Eventually things will get better, you can’t give up!

  3. denise

    it’s amazing that even tho money has been so tight for people, the home market is booming. Love your post

  4. Bella

    we bought a house last year and we are doing the renos and its beyond fun!! so happy we did that. this is such great information

  5. Thank you for sharing this. A lot of people may be worried about purchasing a house during a pandemic, so this was hopeful.

  6. All of us have been through so much this year. Thanks for the motivation!

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