5 Top Reasons Why Mommy Blogs Are Set To Be Bigger And Brighter This 2021

5 Top Reasons Why Mommy Blogs Are Set To Be Bigger And Brighter This 2021

With the onset of hundreds, no thousands of influencers using social media these days, many might think that blogging is losing its sparkle, specifically our blogs which are focused on motherhood.  Is mommy blogging a thing of the past already? For us, it’s like asking if “do the readers find it not worthwhile to read mommy blogs” anymore?

Here are the 5 reasons why we think it’s the other way around:

  1. Mommy bloggers are taking blogging to the next level and many have even considered taking it as a full-time job. Due to the pandemic, many of us were forced to make” lemonades out of lemons” by being better in what we do in the digital aspect of it. There are bloggers who discovered or honed their skills in achieving goals they haven’t thought possible before. And better than that, we’ve also discovered more platforms that accept blogging as one of the means to earn.
  2. Influencer marketing and blog marketing are being noticed by businesses and are investing more in blog content. It’s because these content are based on experiences, readers are able to relate well and look up to the influencers and bloggers. According to statistics, a big chunk of marketers have already been dedicating their budgets for bloggers since the last year 2020, and more are expecting to increase their budget in the following years.
  3. Better blogging tools and a better internet connection means better blog designs and better content for the blogs. Aside from content, a blog gain readership also through many other factors, and that includes loading speed, layout, and widget that help the blog be more engaging and retain the attention of the readers. These days, creating and maintaining an engaging blog is easier with web hosting service providers being more helpful to their blog clientele while more user-friendly widgets and blog apps are available, some are even free.
  1. Social media engagement and posts can contribute to better blog content. Social media influencing and blogging work perfectly hand in hand when done properly. While there’s a bunch of social media types out there, most of them can now be utilized by bloggers to drive more traffic to their blog. Social media also paved the way for mommy bloggers to connect to their readers in a much friendlier or more personal way creating loyal followers both on their social media accounts and their blogs.
  1. Blogs transcend age and physical beauty, gender, food preferences and so much more. Because blogs lie heavily in the content, mommy blogs can work as a huge chest that can be filled up with information and written experiences to which real people can rely on and relate no matter if you are a celebrity or not.

If you are currently a mommy blogger or planning to be one, the future is bright so don’t delay on working on it. Having a blog is easy but making it into something of quality and value takes work and patience.  There can be so many other platforms appearing in the arena but blogging will always remain the most formidable one.


  1. Great post! I love all the great points you gave on why a mommy blog is right now! Good job!

  2. Amy

    This is great news for the many mothers who have seen great changes this past year!

  3. I agree, there is so much more to it and I think mummy bloggers are very influential and popular.

  4. Nikki Wayne

    I couldn’t agree more. Thanks for this motivating post.

  5. Krysten Quiles

    Wow this is awesome, thanks for the great info!

  6. Bella

    This is really great information, totally agree with this your group grows with you!

  7. Truest Words. I can really relate to these.
    One of – achieving goals i didn’t thought i can possibly do. Thanks for sharing this mommy Lani. Stay Safe.

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