Xmeal , KlenzCol, Enerjet, Vitakoffee – Healthier Beverages And Meals Moms Should Try This Year

Xmeal , KlenzCol, Enerjet, Vitakoffee – Healthier Beverages And Meals Moms Should Try This Year

As moms, paying attention to our health is very important because it’s our main defense against the fatal virus. But not only that. Now that we have learned how important time is, we just can’t spend the day without spending energy and doing everything that we set our mind to do. And thus being healthy and energetic is a powerful combo that will enable us to fully enjoy our lives with our family.

Rana Pharmaceuticals recently introduced us to these whole wide range of products that are focused in giving consumers health and energy. And the main selling point for us in these products is that they are very convenient to consume. Packed in sachets, moms can easily bring them wherever they are and make their healthy beverages for the day.

KlenzCol, Enerjet, Xmeal, Vitakoffee



Klenzcol is a powder food supplement that can be mixed with drinks. Klenzcol is an added protection to the colon since it helps normalize bowel movements. Its fiber-rich ingredients like apple, kiwi fruit, wheat, cabbage, oat bran and green peas help flush out harmful toxins from your body.

KlenzCol Food Supplement

We’ve tried Klenzkol and mixed it with a glass full of water and ice and it was surprisingly refreshing and tasted like a nice glass of citrus drink. Unlike other herbal drink which tastes like grass, Klenzcol drink tastes good and you can drink it as it is as your own power juice. It can also be mixed other favorite beverages like juice, tea or even coffee.


Xmeal is a powder mix that can be a complete nutritious meal in itself. And because it’s filling and heavy in the tummy, it can aid in weight loss as you don’t feel hungry for a long period of time. It has ingredients such as red beans that help prevent bloating, barley, which improves digestion and oats, which help relieve constipation. Xmeal tastes delicious with its creamy vanilla flavor and it doesn’t have that medicine-like taste like in some powder food supplements being offered in the market.

Xmeal multigrain Vanlla Flavored Drink with goodness of seaweed


Vitakoffee is an 11-in-1 coffee mixed with chia seeds, L-Glutathione and Astaxanthin. It’s a rich, more of like the darker-tasting coffee but creamy. You don’t have to add anything, sugar or any kind of sweetener, nor milk/dairy to make it creamy. We love  Vitakoffee’s taste and it’s just perfect to consume in the morning to give that needed energy kick. When you make your Vitakoffee cup, wait until you’ve dissolved the content with hot water and after a minute, you’ll see chia seeds floating on top. According to packaging, it’s not recommended for children, pregnant and lactating women.




Enerjet is a botanical beverage mix that contains lemon juice powder, black garlic, apple cider vinegar, red grapes and ginger powder. The combination of these ingredients made it very appealing for a drink. It tastes a little bit like “salabat” with apple and lemon, made a little bit sweet. Enerjet is said to contain strong antioxidant that helps boost energy, fight free radicals, strengthen immune system, improve digestion and help prevent growth of colon cancer cells. It’s like a super beverage mix with all these health benefits packed in one sachet.

Xmeal , KlenzCol, Enerjet, Vitakoffee are manufactured by RANA Pharmaceuticals with the mission to provide products that will add vitality to life and help Filipinos feel good, look good, and get more out of their lives.

Find out more about these healthy products through their official social media pages:



  1. Melanie Edjourian

    These do sound like interesting products to consider for busy people. Thanks for sharing these.

  2. This is my first time hearing of these supplements. I find BeachBody supplements to be helpful during a busy day.

  3. I like the look of the multigrain and beans drink. I wonder if that one is available in the UK also?

  4. This is exactly what I’m looking for. I would give Enerjet a go. It looks great!

  5. This is what we need in these times. We gotta prioritize our health more and take Healthier Beverages

  6. All of these sound really interesting. I really love the Enerjet. It sounds like a great drink and supplement.

  7. It is nice to have some convenient products during busy days. I’m not familiar with these and I’ll have to see if I can find them.

  8. Rosey

    Ooh now that coffee has me intrigued. My favorite drink with extra benefits. That is win-win.

  9. Linda

    wow sounds interesting to try. thanks for sharing with us.

  10. alita

    Moms need more energy and healthy beverages these days. Prioritize your health as a Parent to have the energy to take care of the kids.

  11. Dominique

    I’m always looking for healthier options, thank you so much for sharing!

  12. This looks good, I used to have something similar we can use it to drink. I would love to try this!

  13. Chloe

    I’m always searching for new products! These looks amazing!

  14. Hhhhmmmmm….alright then. I will share this list with all mamas in my contacts list! Thanks for sharing about it.

  15. I agree we need to keep our diet and food to fight tall the virus. This is awesome! Thank you for sharing!

  16. Ohh these are great, I guess Enerjet will be my favourite, as the ingredients are so tempting. Thanks for sharing!!

  17. Gladys Navq

    Thanks for recommending these products. I will definitely try these.

  18. katrina kroeplin

    these look awesome. i’m definitly going to check them out.

  19. Thena

    I’m all for a healthier year so thank you for these recommendations! Anything I can do to get a better gut health, I’m in!

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