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Did you know that on the average, there is about 4,780 born daily? That’s about 199 babies born per hour or approximately 3 babies per minute that were...

Through the years, Filipinos’ love and passion for food has always been linked to good taste and familiarity. One of the pioneers in the field of breads...

It’s been years since Woody, Buzz, and the gang said their goodbyes to their human, Andy, which left all of us crying our eyes out at the cinema –...

Filipino moms and YouTube fans gathered at the SM Mall of Asia Music Hall on May 17 and 18 to catch the exciting celebrations and festivities of the first...

Have you been to Calle Bistro? If you haven’t, don’t wait for long till you do because you are missing a lot. After a year of opening, Calle...

Have you used a pregnancy app when you were pregnant? Or if you haven’t, will you consider using one? We suggest you do. Pregnancy apps are products...

Last May 10, 2019, over 270 Promil Four i-Shine 7 talent camp i-Shiner graduates took the stage to shine bright, wowing the audience with amazing creations...

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