Mommy Bloggers Philippines Supports Breastfeeding Campaign

Members of Mommy Bloggers Philippines attended a breastfeeding advocacy event made possible by Beauty Brains & Breastfeeding, a non-profit organization which supports breastfeeding mothers and their children.

  1. Glaiza Tomino of MoomyMusing
  2. Lanie Lluch of Tweenselmom
  3. Jen Bave of I Am Mommy Bave
  4. Nadia De Leon of NanayStrip
  5. Bedalyn Aguas of MamiAndFamily
  6. Em Alcantara of Touring Kitty

IMG_1333It was a very informative gathering where Beauty Brains and Breastfeeding founders Ms. Patricia Hizon and Ms. Iza Abeja briefed us about their organization, how they have reached the farthest places in the country to help lactating women in distress especially during Typhoon Yolanda, and their noble mission to spread awareness about the importance of breastfeeding in the country. In the event also were UNICEF Chief Nutrition Specialist Henry Mdebwe who gave a short speech about how this international organization sees the need for social awareness about breastfeeding in the country.

In line with BBB’s mission is a fundraising 3km and 5km fun run titled “Nurture Run : Awareness for Breastfeeding During Emergency And In The Workplace “. This will be held in on May 18 Venue Still To Be Announced.

We encourage everyone to join this event and help spread awareness on the importance of breastfeeding for every moms who have babies, no matter what their status of living is. As Mommy Bloggers Philippines are composed of moms, we share BBB’s compassion and vision to help specially those who live in the remote areas who aren’t educated how easier, safer and much healthier breastfeeding is than infant formula.

nurture run

Hereโ€™s the website for pre-registration:
The Facebook page:
The event page:
The twitter page:


Changed Date on Nurture Run


  1. I think it’s very important to spread BF awareness here in the Philippines because I just know that there are a lot of mommies out there who feel the pressure of switching to formula. I have heard friends telling me that their moms, grandma’s or in-laws telling them that their babies are “not gaining enough weight” thus they should switch to formula. ๐Ÿ™ Sad. I’m just happy that my mom encouraged me to continue BF-ing for as long as I could and the company I work with has lactation rooms for bf-ing moms.

    • Lanie

      Hi Jhanis, yes, it was a bit surprising to know that even the poorest areas in our country do not know that breastfeeding can be the best choice. Let’s all help in spreading the good news that women have an alternative.

  2. Hi There,

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