Mommy Blogger Of The Month – March 2014

MamaNee's Nest

Introducing our Mommy Blogger of the Month for the month of March, 2014 – Ms. Marie Bella San Luis of MamaNee’s Nest

As you may all know, Marie is contending for the Mrs. Philippines – Globe 2014 and she is working too. As much as she is very busy with her schedules these days, we are very much thankful that she had given us the time to answer our interview questions for us to learn more about her, career as a mom, a housewife, and an active mommy blogger.

1. How long have you been a blogger?
– I have been creating blogs since 2008 but my first parenting blog was titled Life With Dumpling (now Life With Princess Dumpling and The Piglet Calel) where I gained over 300 followers it actually started when I got pregnant with Dumpling and that was in 2010 then I hibernated due to a lot life changing events then I started Mamanees Nest last year, Serene of Nurse’s Diary introduced me to blogger events which led me to become active once more.

2. What is your blog about?
I write about everything, however this blog is focused more on lifestyle, life as a 30+ woman and how to fight the aging process, slight hint of parenting and how to live life to the fullest.

3. Why did you decide to blog?
I have always had the passion to write, I have been writing ever since I was a child and I also love to share my thoughts this has given me the drive to blog. Sharing is also my main thought when writing, anything that I can share to inspire or to help just really fulfills me.

4. Did blogging change your lifestyle and parenting views?
Parenting views not really, my husband have a solid view on how we want to raise our kids, but lifestyle – yes! With blogging I was able to see that there is so much more to explore and to experience, both for my kids and I.

5. Are you a full time blogger?
I totally wish hehe! I envy those that get to blog full time. As the bread winner of the family, unfortunately I can only blog part time. But I try to post all I want two times a week. I know that one day I will be able to do so. Being hands on parents also takes up my time, I sometimes get asked if I do sleep.

6. How do you manage your time effectively?
FOCUS. You need to be able to know what you are supposed to do in advance, having a set schedule and being firm when it comes to decisions about time. I think having obsessive compulsive behavior kind of works for me haha. I jot down every appointment, every task and every plan. I prefer writing it down in an actual planner than saving it in an online calendar, call me old school if you will lol.

7. What can you advice about blogging and parenting?
Hmmmm… Blogging or writing MUST come from the heart, you are trying to reach out to a reader that will appreciate your views, when you blog always have your readers in mind, make them happy to drop by and stay on your page, always be grateful and humble and never bash online whatever the issue may be. Remember that your online reputation is still a reputation. Worst thing a blogger may receive is a libel slap because you don’t post responsibly.

When it comes to parenting, never let anyone question you parenting skills, if how you raise your children is what makes you happy then be it. If you know you are a good example to your children then you have nothing to worry about. If you doubt your parenting skills you can always research. As long as you are not abusing your children, they are growing up healthy, happy and bright then you are a proud parent, and your children will be proud of you too. I have learned to be strong when it comes to unsolicited advice, and you all know that with parenting you will get that a lot.

8. What are your future goals?
Oh my, I have so many!  To re-launch Smile For Hutch which is my small charity organization which I had put up in memory of my son, I want to make it bigger than it was before, to quit my job so that I can run my own business, to write my own book and to win a Beauty Queen title! Haha!

9. Did Mommy Bloggers Philippines help you in any way?
What is bigger than massive? That is how I can answer that, I have joined several blogging groups before and I can say that I have never been happier as when I joined Mommy Bloggers Philippines. Lani has been the most supportive leader in every way, and the group has allowed me to experience so much that I thought I never would. I am so proud to be part of the group and I just cannot put into words how much that Mommy Bloggers Philippines has helped me. I am truly and forever will be grateful, my blog has transformed from 10 views a day to now over 100 views a day and still growing, I was also able to finally get my own domain and have my website designed and that’s because this group helped me make my blog grow and still grow. I’m looking forward to more years with Mommy Bloggers Philippines, I have finally found my blogging home.



  1. I so agree with not letting anyone question ones parenting skill,congrats Ms.Marie ,♥♥♥

  2. Congrats to the future Mrs. Globe-Philippines 2014. Claim it..hihi..:-D

  3. So pretty!
    I need to work on number 6 and I really think I need to have am editorial calendar. Pfft.
    Congrats on the feature!

  4. Congratulations Marie! Good luck on your journey to becoming a beauty queen 🙂

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