Mommy Bloggers Philippines – Mommy Blogging With A Purpose

rsz_1mbp_pinkWith 400 plus members and counting, it’s just the perfect time to review and remind everyone of what the purpose of Mommy Bloggers Philippines is. With these purposes listed, we hope to enlighten everyone who have just read about this group, to lift up and give inspiration to all moms out there who are planning to get into blogging, and to give a gentle reminder to our blogger members about the importance of their contribution to the blogging society.

1. Mommy Bloggers Philippines is all about enjoying what we love and that is to write from our heart. No English language, no graphic arts, and no need for hundreds of “likes” should stop us from pouring out what we want to share as a mother and as a woman.

2. Our readers are normal persons who can relate to positive AND negative feedback. But since we are mothers, we present these feedback constructively and with style. Just like how most of us rear our children, we don’t bring them up in anger. Rather, we teach them with compassion.

3. Mommy Bloggers Philippines encourages friendship amongst its members while keeping each others’ individuality. We respect each others’ styles and we are free to support everyone who have gained our trust and our admiration. All members are leaders and all leaders can be followers too.

4. A growing number of sponsors and advertising agencies contact the group for partnerships and event exposure.This is because they know how mothers can truly affect the public with their opinions, not only by the sheer number of words or advertorial sense within the articles. With this power, as invisible as it seems to be, we are encouraged to mold the public with the correct virtues and good family values.  We may have come from different background but we are one in motherhood and we can only promote life and peace.

5. Lastly, we are all in this community not only because we want to extend our reach and experience new things and meet celebrities. But also because there is power in our number. Whenever we accept products to review, attend to blogger’s events and write our posts for them, we give out this immense impression to the organizers and to our end readers. Let us always remember to accept because we approve, we commit because we can, we write because we love not because we are pushed.

Mommy Bloggers Philippines is a group for mothers who wish to blog with a purpose. We wish to see more mothers to discover blogging not only as a hobby and as a personal bliss, but also a powerful tool to contribute value to each of their families and to the society as a whole.






  1. This is so comforting, knowing that the bloggers of this group are on the same page. All these freebies and Comment Exchanges are technically helpful but for me, really,I just want to be “heart-to-heart” with those who read my blogs. Thanks for creating a group with a vision and a direction, Lani.

    • Lanie

      Hi May, you got the exact term I’m trying to think of, “technically helpful”. Which reminded me that it must be good to highlight heart-to-heart blog posts from our moms from time to time.

  2. Sha

    This post is so enlightening, it gives us the real purpose and meaning of this community. Say no to “mommy wars”, we are all one here and we are here to help us in this journey called “motherhood”. Thanks for sharing this, Lanie! And thanks for encouraging every moms out here to help and inspire one another. Kudos to Mommy Blogger Philippines! 🙂

    • Lanie

      Sha, for the benefit of the new readers, I think the “mommy wars” you are referring to happen internally and between intimately close mommies (admitted or not:-)) You won’t get affected by persons or write ups which you don’t care that much. We moms of our generation are strong and independent women and we owe it to our readers to stand up on what we believe. Unless this word wars are meant to attract publicity, what they just need is to meet and kiss.

  3. Thank you Lanie for listing down the purpose of the group. Very well said. I especially like number 5 and will always keep that in mind. I love the group and I hope I get to meet true and like-minded mommy friends here. 🙂

    • Lanie

      Hi Sally, I am certain you will be able to read the essence of #5 between the lines. It’s what I love with this group, no explanations needed 🙂

  4. Lanie, you’ve written rules and reminders in such a gentle manner, pretty much like how a mom would gently remind a child. Thank you.

    • Lanie

      Hi Michelle, reading your comment is humbling. You are one of our inspirations when it comes to blogging from the heart.

  5. Thank you for these reminders. May it be our inspiration to everyone of us. I myself started blogging to inspire parents out there and share my stories. 🙂

  6. I love this post. Thank you for “comforting” especially for the new mommy bloggers like me. I hope that you will add my “new” blog in your group.

  7. I couldn’t agree more. I have always believed in promotiong communities because as mothers, we are all in this together. This is the main reason why I give my 101% support to MBP because we welcome any Filipino mom from everywhere to join us for support in her family and blogging life, no matter who she is. This is for me the truest essence of blogging with utmost joy and purpose, not self-serving and exclusive.

  8. This is really nice article. I remember when this group just started its Facebook page and I found lots of blogs because of this. Kudos to this group fellow Mommies!

  9. thanks for this article, Lani which serves as our reminder on why we are blogging. And your #1 point sums it up: Mommy Bloggers Philippines is all about enjoying what we love and that is to write from our heart.

  10. I am truly a proud member here. It is a dream come true for me to become a mommy blogger. Thank you mommy Lani for this article. Thank you for leading this group. Rest assured, I will blog from my heart.

  11. Joy

    Hi Lani, I’m new in the group and I’m loving everything being shared here. I love what you just wrote, I’m touched on how you use the word “contribute”. That each and everyone of us has something to share, something to contribute that everytime we hit the “publish” button there’s at least one or two people (if not hundreds or even millions) being touched, inspired and uplift their spirit. You are awesome Lani! Thanks for creating something wonderful. 🙂

  12. Hello Lani,as a newbie mommy blogger I never expect to be one of the proudest member here. MBP is definitely an inspiring mommy group that shares the beauty and inspiration of all kind of mothers. 🙂

  13. Hi Lani, i am in the process of writing a post on why i am blogging and this post is very timely. It’s as if you can read my mind and feel my heart. Keep it up!

  14. I have met some of the friendliest and supportive bloggers from this group. SO happy to be here! Thanks Lani!

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