Mommy Blogger of the Month – April

vanilla housewifeThey always say that Philippines has its sweetest ladies from the province of Cebu. As most of our mommy bloggers from the group know it, The Vanilla Housewife is no exception. Know more about the mysterious and witty lady behind The Vanilla Housewife.

How old is your blog, Mommy?

I started my blog April 20, 2012, so that makes my blog 2 years old. However, I took a blog hiatus right after that and did not publish another post until February of 2013.

How did you start your blog, what platform did you use?

I started a blog simply to share my daughter’s “baby cotillion” for her first birthday and it was on WordPress. I’m still using the same account but it was named “Eclectic Fascinations” then. I changed it to “Fascinations of a Vanilla Housewife” when I published my second blog post, then changed it to The Vanilla Housewife a few months before I got self hosted. I am a self cofessed fickle-head.

What was your initial purpose why you created your blog?

I had family members and friends who live outside Cebu and were not able to make it to my daughter’s cotillion so I thought I’d tell them about what happened through a blog post. I wanted then to regret not coming over. It did not work.

Why did you choose an avatar instead of an actual photo for your blog?

Other than the irrational fear of the unknown, I have no other reason. I also do not post photos of my husband and kids on the blog unless it’s on side view for the same mentality (this is why I draw my stickman family). Since a blogger needs to have a “face” somewhere, I sent my cousin, who is an artist, a photo of me and asked her to draw my bio pic. I use my “prettier than my real self” profile pic everywhere.

Any tip on how you maintain your balance in blogging and family life?

Got nothing for you. I work full time, I have 2 kids and thankfully my husband hasn’t left me so I have to take care of him too. That means blogging happens only when the everybody’s asleep. I go to bed at around 3-5am. Sometimes I forgo sleep.

I just type whenever I can. I have eleventy million drafts on my phone. Have you ever experienced writing on your head? I do that a lot, in the kitchen, at the supermarket even during dinner. Crazy. Just crazy.

What do you see in the future for your blog?

I’d like my readership in the Philippines to grow because ever since I got started, I’ve had very few readers here. Sad, I know. I would also like to attend a BlogHer conference in the future. Sponsored by Philippine Airlines. Hey, a woman can dream! 😉

Did Mommy Bloggers Philippines help you in anyway? How?

So much! Since I joined MBP, my readership here in the Philippines have been slowly climbing up! And the interaction with other mommy bloggers in here is just amazing! Very supportive! A million thanks for inviting me!

What’s your most kept policy when it comes to blogging, if you have any?

I do not blog about religion and politics. I make sure to respond to all comments. Every single one. Sometimes I miss a few when life gets in the way but I always check back on old posts. And I try to reciprocate on the comment love as much as I can. The only time I can’t is when I really, really can’t.

If motherhood can be described in one word, what will it be for you?


Thank you Mommy Bloggers Philippines!

Thank you and more power to you The Vanilla Housewife!


  1. Congratulations, Jhanis! You so deserve to be featured here. You already know that I’m a fan 😉 More power and God bless you!

    • Thanks Kyong! Apprecite the kids words! God bless you and your family too! 🙂

  2. Thank you MBP! Love this community so much! Such on honor to be featured over here. Please accept my apologies for the typos. I was sleep deprived when I wrote this. LMAO Salamat!

  3. Lanie

    Jhanis, you deserve to be featured here 🙂 And who said you have few readers? Ang dami kaya!

    • Thank you Lanie! Uhmm Aside from MBP members, most of my readers here in the Philippines paid/coerced/threatened relatives hahahaha!

  4. Nice! You deserved to be featured here! I love how you write your stories. So unique and witty! Hehe. I love reading your status and blog posts! More power to you! Cheers!

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