Bonding While Baking with The Maya Kitchen

Mommy Bloggers Philippines created a perfect bonding experience for some mommies and their little ones through an exclusive cupcake baking class that was proudly sponsored by The Maya Kitchen.  It was held at Maya Kitchen Culinary Arts Center in Makati City on May 28, 2016.


 The mommies and their little ones was taught how to make Strawberries and Cream Cupcakes, and Peanut Butter and Choco Chips Cupcakes.  They also had a chance to learn how to properly whip the cream and decorate their own cupcakes. 13268331_10207417047158531_6969658111047034080_o.jpg

“It was as much a bonding experience as it was an introduction to baking”, said Mommy Joy.

The baking class was performed under the supervision of Chef Ice Hidalgo.


 Chef Ice focused on imparting basic kitchen information that is useful and relevant specially to the kids.   Learning how to read and follow recipes, measure ingredients, mix things properly, and handle baking tools instills confidence not only to the mommies but more specially in their little bakers; especially when the message comes from a real-life chef.

 Mommy Louisa said, “the baking class was fun and rewarding.  It gave me and my son a sense of accomplishment. It feels so great eating what we have prepared together.”


 If you wish to participate in any of The Maya Kitchen’s cooking and basic class you may register by sending them an email at [email protected] or by leaving a message on their Facebook page – All courses are performed under the supervision of experienced chefs, using only the best ingredients.

Check out their scheduled classes for June 2016:

As covered by : Joy Gurtiza of


  1. This is one of our favorite bonding, my son and I love to bake for merienda if we are in the mood. hehehe! It is also nice to attend classes to enhance baking skills.

  2. Such a perfect bonding experience! I love baking with my daughter, hope I get the time to join their workshops in the future.

  3. What a good way to bond with the chikitings. Learning while having fun. I’d also love to attend one of their workshops in the future.

  4. Judah loved the experience! He wants to do it again. 🙂 Baking is going to be a big part of our homeschooling this year.

  5. What a wonderful bonding experience for moms and their kids! And the kids seem to be having much fun cooking too.

  6. I still remember my first time at the Maya Kitchen, courtesy of MBP. It was a very positive experience and I learned a lot about baking. It’s good to know that a lot of moms and their kids got the chance to try the Maya program, too. When my boy gets older, I would sign up at Maya and take him with me 🙂

  7. That was another fun workshop for mommies and kids! I’m sure all participants had a blast creating delicious cupcakes and eating them, too.

  8. Wow… when Katey gets older, we’d love to join baking events like this. What a great way to learn and bond with the kids!

  9. When my son is bored with all his toys and wants to be with me in the kitchen, I let him roll out the cookie dough and let him cut shapes in it with a cookie cutter. He enjoys it and I like the fact that he has something to do other than TV and iPad!

  10. I’m browsing all over the web for extra curricular activities so that I won’t get fed up with my job. Baking sounds like a great idea. I took baking classes 12 years ago and I sometimes assist my mom with our pastry business. Since we’re in this business, I thought that its a good idea to hone my baking skills and maybe Icould spark some new ideas in our business, like a new pastry/dish. =)

  11. Ayi

    I hope my kids are a bit bigger so we could do this activity. Every time I bake, my 4-year old is only good at making a mess :))

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