Philippine Information Agency Launches #cyberREADI To Protect The Youth In The Online World

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Have you always been worried about your kids’ safety when they are using the internet? Most of us feel the same way and our government feels the same way too. And there’s a reason for us to be worried because the youth presently are indeed very active in using the internet, even more active than us adults. In fact,  statistics show that 70% of youth are active online. This means that our young ones are exposed to so many types of vulnerabilities in the online world.

Because of this, the Philippine Information Agency, the official information arm of the Republic of the Philippines has taken the necessary steps to safeguard the youth, specifically those within the age range of 12-17, by aggressively pushing for the promotion of its nationwide cyber wellness campaign which is called #cyberREADI.

#cyberREADI media launch inside Philippine Information Agency Conference Room - November 6, 2019

#cyberREADI media launch inside Philippine Information Agency Conference Room – November 6, 2019

#cyberREADI media launch inside Philippine Information Agency Conference Room - November 6, 2019

This campaign is part of the ASEAN-Japan Media and Information Literacy (MIL) for the Youth Project which the PIA is spearheading in partnership with the InfoComm Media Development Authority of Singapore and with funding support from the Japan-ASEAN Integration Fund (JAIF).

#cyberREADI media launch inside Philippine Information Agency Conference Room - November 6, 2019

The campaign official logo and branding focused on #cyberREADI – with READI representing the five (5) ASEAN Core Values on Digital Literacy adopted by the ASEAN Ministers Responsible for Information in May 2018. These values served as a framework for the digital literacy programs in the region:

We should think first and be responsible for what we post online.
We should be respectful and thoughtful of how our online interactions may affect others.
We should be sincere in our online interactions and prepared to stand by what we post.
We should critically evaluate the online information before acting on it.
We should do the right thing, stand up for what is right and speak up against negative online behaviour.

After the logo and branding were launched, the PIA has released various multimedia materials and resources developed with the help of the University of the Philippines College of Mass Communication Foundation Inc. (UPCMCFI). These materials are products of an audience analysis on youth’s level of awareness regarding online safety, using focus group discussions conducted with Filipino youth representatives in different areas in the country.

Also greatly considered in the production of these materials were the insights on the changing media consumption habits of the youth and initiatives and best practices in promoting media and information literacy as discussed by speakers from the Philippines, Singapore, Japan, UNESCO, and Facebook and in group workshops by representatives from public information, media, academe, and youth sectors of the ten (10) ASEAN Member States during the ASEAN-Japan Forum on Media and Literacy: Cyber Wellness for the Youth on March 2018.

Materials produced include:
Short videos on the following topics:
o Cyberbullying
o Online gaming
o Online dating
o Online scam
o Online privacy
o Internet addiction

Social media cards
Module for cyber wellness training
A dedicated webpage for the cyber wellness campaign is also in the works. PIA regional and provincial offices are rolling out their respective activities to further spread the cyberREADI advocacy.

Short video about cyberbullying - other videos shown during the media launch include online gaming, online dating,online scam, online privacy and internet addiction

Short video about cyberbullying – other videos shown during the media launch include online gaming, online dating,online scam, online privacy and internet addiction

Infographics from #cyberREADi campaign fill up an area of the hallway in Philippine Information Agency

Infographics from #cyberREADi campaign fill up an area of the hallway in Philippine Information Agency

H.E. Kung Phoak, Deputy Secretary-General for ASEAN Socio-Cultural Community stressed that the Cyber-Wellness campaign is a timely project since digital media has increasingly become the primary source of information among ASEAN people. He says: “There is a need to build information resiliency among the youth and protect them from the risk of getting misled by fake news and misinformation. With enhanced media and information literacy, the youth is expected to become smart consumers and responsible producers of online information. Through this project, we hope young people would better understand, inquire, create, communicate and think critically while digitally engaged”.

11 Comments so far. Feel free to join this conversation.

  1. Ashley Nichols 2019/11/22 at 3:12 pm - Reply

    I feel like this topic doesn’t get discussed enough. It’s important for all of the countries to work together on this.

  2. Joanna 2019/11/22 at 4:42 pm - Reply

    This is a great initiative! We all know that these days bullying has moved online and many children and suffering because of it. A relative of mine is being sent horrible anonymous messages through Instagram and she is only 14….

  3. Sonia Seivwright 2019/11/22 at 6:32 pm - Reply

    Such a eye-opening post. Thank you for sharing. This is a great idea.

  4. Celebrate Woman Today 2019/11/23 at 3:00 pm - Reply

    It is a very powerful message and very timely campaign. Supporting it wholeheartedly.

  5. Christopher Mitchell 2019/11/23 at 11:25 pm - Reply

    This is something that we all need to be thinking about and considering!

  6. AMY 2019/11/24 at 1:09 pm - Reply

    Onlne safety us of utmost importance. It is so easy for your identity to get stolen plus our kids may involved in may forms of online addiction.

  7. Elizabeth O 2019/11/24 at 1:09 pm - Reply

    It si so easy nowadays to ahve your identity stolen or even being hacked into. Let us keep our kids away from this.

  8. Mudpiefridays 2019/11/24 at 1:09 pm - Reply

    Internet safety for our kids is vital. In today’s world , We must be really careful

  9. Kiwi 2019/11/25 at 1:22 pm - Reply

    Wow this is an amazing and responsible post. Glad they are doing this in the Philippines.

  10. twinspirational 2019/11/26 at 6:04 am - Reply

    We should really look into this though. Online safety is a must even for us adults too.

  11. Cindy s 2019/11/26 at 4:51 pm - Reply

    Wow what a wonderful project! There are just so many dangers for kids these on the internet

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