Watsons Inspires Us To “Do Good for the Planet” By Reducing Carbon Footprint

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In 2021, A.S. Watson reiterated its commitment to reduce the environmental impact of its business and announced new targets to accelerate its contribution to the fight against climate change.

For its first face-to-face sustainability event dubbed “Do Good for the Planet,” Watsons Philippines invited guests who talked about how reducing your carbon footprint is a way of doing good for the planet.

Cat Trivino of CORA Phils, Rizza Sebastian, Ana Oposa, Chief Mermaid of Save Philippine Seas

Cat Trivino of Communities for Organized Resource Allocation, social and mindful entrepreneur Rizza Lana Sebastian and host Ana Oposa, Chief Mermaid of Save Philippine Seas

“Watsons recognizes its customers to choose more sustainable products and a greener lifestyle. We are continuing this sustainability journey and we are making it personal by talking about how we can reduce our own individual carbon footprint,” said Watsons Public Relations and Sustainability Director Viki Encarnacion.

Carbon footprint refers to the total amount of greenhouse gases, including carbon dioxide and methane, generated by our actions. It is our total impact on the planet and how it contributes to global warming.

Among the activities that increase our carbon footprint are travel, energy consumption, eating and shopping habits.

For “Do Good for the Planet,” Watsons invited Jack Warren of ClimatePartner, social and mindful entrepreneur Rizza Lana Sebastian and Cat Trivino of Communities for Organized Resource Allocation to help media guests understand what carbon footprint is and why we should always be mindful.

ClimatePartner is a global solutions partner that works with corporate and individual customers to calculate and reduce carbon emissions and offset unabated emissions.

Mr. Jack Warren - Commercial Sustainability Manager of Climate Partner

Mr. Jack Warren – Commercial Sustainability Manager of Climate Partner

“To address the issue of climate change, we should not emit more carbon dioxide than what we can offset, a state that’s called carbon neutrality. You can reduce your carbon emissions by eating more greens instead of meat, smart use of electricity, walk, bike or carpool and fly economy instead of business or first class,“ said Warren.

Sebastian and Trivino gave media guests tips on how to reduce our impact on the environment. They both talked about the different ways in which we could go green, like choosing locally produced food and products, bringing your own bag when shopping and buying energy efficient products such as appliances with inverter technology.

During the Watsons event, media guests were encouraged to calculate their carbon footprint by logging on to ClimatePartner’s website, and they were able to see the sources of their carbon dioxide emissions.

Carbon footrpint calculation

Carbon footrpint calculation

Patrick Yu, Marketing Manager Watsons Personal Care Stores and Watsons Public Relations and Sustainability Director Viki Encarnacion

Patrick Yu, Marketing Manager Watsons Personal Care Stores and Watsons Public Relations and Sustainability Director Viki Encarnacion

“This discussion is a reminder that we can all help to minimize our carbon footprint  and contribute to the efforts to make our planet cleaner, healthier and safer,” said Encarnacion.

The Watsons sustainability program encourages customers to do good for the planet by choosing products with better ingredients, going for product refills whenever possible, opting for clean beauty products and picking products that come in better packaging so they can be reused.

Watsons has over 1,200 Sustainable Choices products in its 900+ stores nationwide and online channel

For more information about Watsons’ sustainability program, go to Watsons Sustainable Choices & follow Watsons on Facebook, @WatsonsPH on Instagram and @watsonsphilippines on Tiktok.

6 Comments so far. Feel free to join this conversation.

  1. Olga 2022/06/26 at 7:02 pm - Reply

    I hope we can find a solution on how to take care of our planet. It is the future for our kids and grandkids. Btw, I started to choose more friendly products this year.

  2. Ntensibe Edgar 2022/06/27 at 11:41 am - Reply

    Hhhhmmmm…I hadn’t heard of Watsons before. I like their vision for climate change for the better. Thanks for sharing about them.

  3. Kelly Bolen 2022/06/27 at 12:45 pm - Reply

    This is awesome! What a great way to help the environment!

  4. Rosey 2022/06/27 at 4:18 pm - Reply

    Most of these make sense and are easy enough to do. If everyone did their part…

  5. Fransic verso 2022/06/27 at 9:15 pm - Reply

    This is awesome. when it helps to make the environment better. that is nice.

  6. Blair Villanueva 2022/06/28 at 8:05 am - Reply

    One way to help reduce pollution is by stopping producing products packaged in small retail form – hence, sachets. This small plastic waste causes a lot of problems and actually is not economical as you think they always say. Products packaged in the small form are more costly compared to buying in a bigger size.

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