How To Start A Healthy Year

The year is still young and perfect for a fresh start. Have you made a resolution yet? If not, it might be a good idea to work on improving your health and well-being.

“The beginning of the year is a time for resolutions for many Pinoys. Usually at the top of our resolution list is the pledge to become healthier and fit. That is why many are keen on dropping bad habits and starting a new diet or fitness regimen,” says Dr. Nicky Montoya, president of MediCard Philippines.

Here are some tips to stay healthy throughout the year:

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Stop smoking

Most Pinoys are aware of the bad effects of smoking, but the addictive nature of nicotine in tobacco makes it difficult to quit through willpower alone. Smokers can achieve a lasting abstinence from cigarettes through the help of clinical experts in smoking cessation clinics. These treatment centers are specialized to help smokers drop the habit and avoid subsequent relapse by using different techniques, like counseling, telephone and online support and safe pharmaceutical aids.

Lose weight and be fit

Due to the extra pounds most of us gained from the holidays, it’s natural to develop a strong desire to get a leaner body by the start of the year. We can achieve our fitness goals by following a healthy eating plan and exercise routine. Simple daily habits, like eating meals in small portions and doing a 30-minute jog, can set us off to a great start.

Look and feel young

We grow older every year but we can always delay the signs of aging by taking care of our skin. Drinking adequate amounts of water and getting enough sleep can keep our body hydrated and repair cell damage. Wearing enough sunscreen and moisturizers can also minimize wrinkles, skin dryness, sagging, age spots, and even skin cancers.

Socialize more

Bonding with family and friends can uplift our mood and stop us from feeling depressed. Thus, we should find the time to socialize with other people despite our busy schedules. There’s always an opportunity to reach out to others—from talking to our loved ones at home to lunching out with our colleagues at work to hanging out with our friends on weekends. Meeting new people and making new friends in real life also develop our interpersonal skills and maturity.

Avoid stress

Stress is almost impossible to avoid, but there are ways to manage it and feel more relaxed. These include organizing our daily schedules, simplifying our activities and eliminating unnecessary commitments. Exercising, eating healthy and staying in a relaxing environment can also put our mind at ease. We also need to nurture optimism and tolerance to not get easily upset by unfavorable situations and difficult people.

“Personal goals, especially those that focus on our health and well-being, are easy to start but can be difficult to sustain if they are unrealistic. The key to achieving our health goals and maintaining them is to take the transformation slowly and enjoy the process,” advises Dr. Montoya.

The MediCard Lifestyle Center is a modern edifice in the heart of Makati that offers diverse clinical, dental and specialty services. To know more about its services, visit


  1. True true true!!! 🙂 Eating right, exercising, having the right attitude, taking care of oneself, socializing, and avoiding stress! True indeed! 🙂

  2. Oh I must say, having a healthy family starts with a healthy mommy. 😛 Thank you for sharing <3

  3. Natamaan ako sa losing weight. What a difficult battle! But it’s a fight worth winning for the benefit of our families.

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