Start Your Own Blog Series #1 – 5 Things You Need To Start A Mommy Blog

Are you ready to be a mommy blogger? Then make sure you read this to make sure that you are on the right path.

Series 1If you want to start your own blog, you should keep these 5 things handy. These are the basic things you will need to be able to start publishing that first blog post you have in mind.

1. Email Address

An email address is a virtual mail box where you will receive all your registration details from the blog site where you will create your blog. This can be a no-brainer for some but for newbie bloggers, the importance of a secured email address is as important as your blog itself. Make sure that you create a username that will be easy to memorize for you and a unique password that will be hard to guess by ANYONE except yourself.

To create your free email address, you can head on to these 4 sites.


2. Blogging Device

Blogging is not limited to a desktop or a laptop. There are many mommy bloggers who are able to blog using their smartphones and their tablets. The important thing is accessibility. You should be comfortable with your device and your internet capacity.  Basically, all blogging platforms require minimal specifications when it comes to devices being used and we will all talk about that in our future series.

3. Niche

This is a very wide topic to talk about but to make this simple for now, a “niche” is just how you categorize the blog you will want to create. Majority of mommy bloggers prefer “Lifestyle and Parenting” niches because they cover a wide range of topics you may be able to write about as you go along. But there are so many much more niches out there which may suit your specific interests. Some of these niches can be:

Food Blogging
Travel Blogging
Fashion Blogging
Craft Blogging
Tech Blogging
Work-At-Home Blogging

In our future series, we will be featuring some of the community members of Mommy Bloggers Philippines from each of these niches and even those who have created a niche of their own.

4. Cover Photo

Your blog will need a clear cover photo which will be a representation of you as the owner and what your blog will cover. You can replace this photo any time but if you intend your blog to be read by the public, you need to choose something which will inspire people to continue exploring your blog.

Ask yourself the same questions you’ll think of when you are looking for a blog to read. Although photos aren’t always the measurement of how good a blog can be, the usual adage “first impressions last” most often applies. Choose your photo with the highest resolution you can get. Different blog sites use specific sizes for a cover photo so when you get a high-res photo, it will be flexible enough for you to have an easy start.

5. Blog Name

Choosing your blog name or title can be as easy or as difficult as it can be depending on your intentions or goals for your blog. Some choose their own names to easily identify blogs with themselves. Others choose a completely unique name or a “catchy” name for that easy-to-remember factor. Some mommy bloggers use a name which is SEO (search engine optimization) friendly. These are the names which use keywords that easily pop out when you search them from the internet. Getting a .ph domain name will also be an advantage since your blog may be easily searched when readers use local filters to find blogs.

Starting a blog isn’t complicated at all. Just prepare these 5 simple things and you will be off to a smooth start!

Check out more of our Start Your Own Blog series!

Next in the series : How To Create Your Blog In WordPress


  1. Great tips! I wish I read more tutorials when I was starting out. Also, I wish I knew the importance of the blog name! Now, I’m stuck with one that isn’t really the best when it comes to seo. Hehe

  2. Hi Jhanis, yes, isn’t it so welcoming to have helpful resources when you are starting out? Congrats to your blog! We know you already gained so many followers with your humor and the valuable blog posts you’ve already shared in the past!

  3. These are great tips for mommy bloggers who want to start out. The cover photo that this post is pertaining to is the blog post photo or blog logo? But, I do agree about it being high resolution.

  4. Great tips! Let me add, it’s best to use the same blog name and blog domain to avoid confusion and for SEO as well. I know it might sound common sense but not everyone does that. (I didn’t with my old blog) hehe

    Good luck mommies!

  5. Thanks for starting this series. I remember before, I really wanted go start blogging but I dont know how. I did a lot of readings pa just to have an idea on how to start a blog. I agree that choosing your blog name is not really easy. Me, I spent several sleepless nigts before I got the right blog name. LOL!

  6. Leny

    thank you for sharing this the tips and the idea,will following your series for me to be able to start..honestly i don’t know how to start and what to do..

  7. These are all definite necessities for starting a blog! I think it’s great you started this series.

  8. Thanks for sharing. This is very helpful for mommies who dream of having their own blogs. I wish I had MBP when I was just new to blogging. MBP has been helpful in so many ways in taking my interest to writing to a whole new level?

  9. Jenina Tuazon

    Yey! Thank you for sharing! I need this to start my own blog soon! Excited to read your next post…im so inspired. 🙂

  10. Great tips for a new blogger. You also need lots of patience. It takes time and dedication.

  11. A name is really important – it makes or breaks a blog. In my case, my old blog’s name is SEO-friendly – too SEO-friendly that I felt it was more corporate than personal. My blog now has a name that is more aspirational. To each his own! 🙂

  12. These are very helpful tips. I wish I had this list when I first started blogging.

  13. Elizabeth O.

    This is a great resource for beginners. Thanks for sharing these tips.

  14. Very good read. This is essential also to recheck and reevaluate the existing blog, atleast for myself. Thanks Mommy Blogger PH!

  15. I am a full time wife and mom,and i am a prep.I want to become a full time blogger,and hoping this tips makes my blogs improve.??

  16. Thanks for sharing these tips MBP. As a newbie, I’m still not particular with niche.. coz I just write what I want to write and share…maybe soon. looking forward to more blogging tips..

  17. Liking this. Sharing this with other mommy friends who want to learn how to blog.

  18. I have a question mommies, since I am using the wordpress website there are just some ads that I could not put on. Whenever I tried to copy the html text it just appears to be as it is but the logo is not showing. 🙁 Does this mean I would have to upgrade my plan?

  19. I wish there were already tutorials like this when I first started blogging. Thanks for this post mommy! It will surely be of great help! 🙂

  20. Rose

    There are some things that definitely make blogging easier. This list is a good one.

  21. Thanks for the tips! I’m also considering if I should get a new email address for my blog… simply because I want to really give my blog an identity.
    And choosing a blog name is incredibly hard! I really struggled with mine for months! Happy with my choice in the end though 🙂

  22. These are great starting points of anyone wanting to start a mom blog! Looking forward to the next part of the series. 🙂

  23. ah the niche is what I am having difficulty in hitting a bullseye.. I seem to want to write about lots of things! mostly what I “feel” like writing.. so that’s a work in progress hehe..Thanks for sharing!

  24. Great tips! I wish I would’ve had a series like this when I was getting started!

  25. So helpful! I am so thankful to Mommy Bloggers Philippines for giving me encouragement to work on my writing skills.

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