Understanding the Pros and Cons of Natural Family Planning Method

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Natural family planning methods are oftentimes called “fertility awareness methods.” These strategies aid in family planning by helping you predict your fertile days, which is when your chances of getting pregnant are high. They are so-called “natural” because these methods do not involve the use of hormones, synthetic materials, or surgeries, in contrast to artificial contraceptive methods.

Natural family planning methods can be symptoms-based or calendar-based. Symptoms-based methods, like the cervical mucus and basal body temperature methods, are those where you rely on physiologic changes in your body to predict your fertile days. On the other hand, calendar-based methods help you track your cycle and identify your fertile days with an ovulation calendar. Read below to know more about the pros and cons of natural family planning methods.


Its methods are safe since they rely on recognizing bodily signs and symptoms that could indicate fertility. These methods do not include or involve the use of synthetic hormones or artificial barriers. As such, natural family planning methods generally do not have adverse effects on the body.

It’s efficacious. When done correctly and consistently, natural family planning methods can have up to 95% efficacy. Family planning methods with high efficacy rates are, of course, more favorable, as they are more effective in preventing unwanted pregnancy.

It’s cost-effective. Most natural family planning methods, especially those that are symptoms-based, are free. All you need is a functional body thermometer and a calendar that you can use to track your cycle. If you’re a smartphone user, there are many downloadable period tracker apps that you can choose from. Try exploring different apps to know what works for you.

It’s easily reversible. Most hormonal methods work by interfering with the menstrual cycle. As an effect, it is not immediately reversible, and you have to wait for a certain amount of time before you can become fertile again. Natural family planning methods, on the other hand, do not change your menstrual cycle. They do not cause any irregularities in your cycle and, as such, do not lead to delays in the return of your fertility in case you wish to become pregnant.

There are no medical contraindications to its use. Some artificial contraceptives, especially hormonal pills, may not be used by women with active comorbidities as these can exacerbate their existing medical conditions or interfere with treatment. On the other hand, natural family planning methods do not have medical contraindications and are generally safer for use.

It promotes mutual trust and respect. Natural family planning methods require active communication between the couple, and using these methods can strengthen relationships and promote mutual trust and respect. Men are encouraged to also learn about the changes in their partners’ bodies and tune in to their cycles, while women are encouraged to speak openly about their experiences. This way, you and your partner can identify areas of concern and look for solutions together.


It doesn’t protect you from sexually transmitted diseases (STDs). Unlike using condoms, natural family planning methods do not provide protection from STDs. People with active STD infections are advised to use condoms at all times to prevent disease transmission.

It takes time to learn. Natural family planning methods take time to learn. For example, you need to record your cycle for at least 6 consecutive months to effectively and accurately use ovulation calendars. Otherwise, you may run the risk of over-or underestimating your cycle length. Symptoms-based methods are not a breeze, either, as you have to monitor your baseline symptoms first for you to be able to recognize when they change, which can signal the start of your fertile days.

It needs strict observance. The use of natural family planning methods requires consistency and strict compliance. Also, you need to be highly cognizant of your own body to maintain its efficacy. Natural family planning methods can be very prone to failure when you don’t follow the instructions carefully or do not practice them to the letter.

It is not suitable for women with irregular cycles. Women with exceedingly irregular cycles or those whose cycles are shorter than 27 days may find it hard to use ovulation calendars, as these may be too inaccurate for them. For these women, it is recommended to try other family planning options in combination with ovulation calendars to avoid unwanted pregnancies.

Deciding when and what family planning method to use relies on many factors. As a couple, it is important to explore your options and learn about them before committing to one. Talk to your physician to know more about family planning and what method is best for you.

7 Comments so far. Feel free to join this conversation.

  1. Renata Feyen 2021/03/27 at 4:55 pm - Reply

    I wasn’t expecting that it could be a 95% efficient – my kids are grown so have no need for it anymore though

  2. Krysten Quiles 2021/03/27 at 11:04 pm - Reply

    Very interesting information, will definitely pin this for others to read.

  3. Rachel+N+Loza 2021/03/28 at 1:32 am - Reply

    I have so many friends who have used this effectively. It just wasnt’ for me.

  4. SoniaChic95 2021/03/28 at 4:01 am - Reply

    I’m definitely with you on this one,exploring your options especially when it comes to family planning!

  5. Rose Ann Sales 2021/03/30 at 11:04 am - Reply

    I agree to all your points. Thanks for the knowledge.

  6. Krysten Quiles 2021/03/30 at 5:52 pm - Reply

    It’s so crazy to me how much WORK goes into family planning. When you’re young you’re just kind of lead to believe you better use BC or you WILL get pregnant! But it’s totally not that simple.

  7. Jasmine+Martin 2021/03/30 at 6:54 pm - Reply

    You definitely have to be willing to get to know your body if you plan on doing the natural planning method. I know of a few people who used this method.

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