4 Reasons More Filipinos Should Choose Rice-Corn Mix as Staple Food

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Rice is the most important staple food in many Asian countries, including the Philippines. This grain is an integral part of the Filipino diet, usually served at any time of the day, from breakfast to dinner. In fact, according to the Department of Agriculture, Filipinos eat around 120 kilos of rice each year. Indeed, rice continues to play a big role in the Filipino diet and in Filipino culinary traditions, so much so that its demand has greatly increased over the past few years.

Mixing rice with corn grits could be a healthier and more economical alternative to white rice

Mixing rice with corn grits could be a healthier and more economical alternative to white rice

Unfortunately, while the Philippines does produce large quantities of rice, the country currently finds it challenging to keep up with rising consumer demands. Hence, it has to rely on rice imports from other countries to keep prices stable and stocks readily available for local consumption. However, import dependency can hamper the country’s food security and economic growth. This is why the Philippine government has tasked agricultural specialists to find ways to alleviate the rice shortage.

During their research, these specialists found that mixing rice with corn grits could be a healthier and more economical alternative to white rice. Although this is an idea that may take some getting used to—especially for Filipinos who are accustomed to consuming just plain rice—studies have shown that the advantages of rice and corn blends are well worth some minor dietary adjustments.

If you are interested to learn more about the benefits of corn-rice mixes, below are four reasons why you should consider incorporating it into your daily diet:

It’s More Affordable

Corn is a crop that’s easy to grow and is readily available in the Philippines. In many parts of the country—like the Visayas region—a kilo of corn costs two pesos less than a kilo of rice. Corn is also far less capital-intensive, only requiring rain and a simple mill to produce high yields. Conversely, rice often requires expensive irrigation facilities to grow properly.

The relatively low production costs and accessibility of corn make it a very affordable crop. Thus, the cost of corn-rice mix can be significantly lower than that of plain rice. Furthermore, research has shown that creating a 50:50 or 70:30 rice-corn mixture is still more economical than consuming plain white rice. By using corn as a supplemental source of carbohydrates, you can drastically reduce the amount of money you’d normally spend on rice alone.

It’s Highly Nutritious

One of the best qualities of corn-rice mix is its nutritional value, since it contains the benefits of two grains rather than one. While rice is richer in minerals like calcium and copper, corn provides more potassium and magnesium. Additionally, corn contains many vitamins that can’t be found in rice, such as vitamin A, vitamin C, and vitamin K, which are all beneficial to the body’s metabolic processes. It also has large amounts of B vitamins like riboflavin, pantothenic acid, and niacin, which support proper brain function.

Besides being a great source of vitamins and minerals, corn possesses a higher fiber content compared to white rice. This is because white rice often undergoes a refining process that strips away most of its nutritional fiber. Higher fiber content means better gastrointestinal health and lower cholesterol levels. It’s also good for diabetic and pre-diabetic consumers, which will be discussed further in the next section.

It Can Lessen the Risk of Diabetes

In 2016 alone, more than 3.5 million Filipinos were diagnosed with diabetes, according to the Philippine Society of Endocrinology. Similarly, a 2016 study conducted by Dr. Gerry Tan found that type 2 diabetes patients in the country are increasing at an alarming rate. This same study discovered that frequent consumption of white rice was one of the main factors that contributed to these rising cases.

While white rice has its benefits, it still releases high amounts of sugar when ingested. Corn, on the other hand, contains a lower glycemic index. This means that it releases less sugar into your bloodstream at a much slower rate compared to rice. As mentioned in the previous section, corn also contains high amounts of fiber. This is particularly important for diabetic patients, as fiber is known for regulating blood-sugar levels. Adding corn to your diet can be a big help in lessening your sugar intake, which in turn, effectively decreases your risk for diabetes.

It’s Just as Palatable as Rice

Some Filipinos might be wary of incorporating corn into white rice, as they think it’ll change the flavor of their staple grain. However, experiments have shown that corn can taste exactly like rice while being more hearty or filling. This is especially true for corn varieties like Quality Protein Maize (QPM), which is a type of white corn that contains plenty of protein and shares a similar taste profile with rice.

During some cooking demonstrations, researchers from the University of the Philippines Los Baños served different QPM corn-rice blends to an audience composed of Filipino mothers and staff from the Philippine Rice Research Institute. Upon trying the corn-rice mixtures, participants stated that they were just as tasty as plain white rice.

Based on the benefits mentioned above, corn-rice mix might be one of the keys for the Philippines to achieve food security and better health for its population. Besides being good for the country, rice composites are also good for you. Thanks to its affordability, nutritional value, and great taste, you can enjoy healthy and satisfying meals without having to break the bank.

13 Comments so far. Feel free to join this conversation.

  1. Heather Castillo 2022/04/06 at 2:05 am - Reply

    It sounds like something that people all over the world can do. I wouldn’t mind it!

  2. Beth 2022/04/06 at 10:02 am - Reply

    I think a rice and corn mix sounds really good! I’m definitely interested in it.

  3. Rose Ann Sales 2022/04/06 at 2:03 pm - Reply

    I totally agree on this! I’m surely gonna keep this in mind! Thanks for sharing this with us

  4. Subarna 2022/04/06 at 3:06 pm - Reply

    Rice is staple food in many countries. And I am sure corn with rice will go great!! Need to try.

  5. Myyellowapron 2022/04/06 at 6:52 pm - Reply

    Ah! Never knew about mixing rice with corn grits. Should give it a try since I eat alot of rice.

  6. Jocelyn @ Hip Mama's Place 2022/04/06 at 9:11 pm - Reply

    I have tried the rice and corn mix before and I like it. Plus, it can save you money vs. plain rice as I’ve heard the rice prices are so high in the Philippines now.

  7. Dorry Lyn Tan 2022/04/06 at 9:28 pm - Reply

    I love corn, so trying this one sounds really good. It’s something I’ll look for in my next grocery shopping

  8. abzstylz 2022/04/07 at 8:38 am - Reply

    Luckily I’m not a huge fan of rice, however I don’t think Ive had a rice- corn mix before. I love corn, so I’m sure I would enjoy it!

  9. Ntensibe Edgar 2022/04/07 at 9:44 am - Reply

    Hhhhmmm….this is an interesting take, going by the fact that the numbers of consumers outweigh the number of kilos of rice needed in the country. I’ll give it a try myself.

  10. Millie 2022/04/07 at 11:41 am - Reply

    Interesting! I grew up eating rice as a staple, but I think it will take some time to add corn to rice. But it’s worth trying.

  11. Clarice 2022/04/07 at 3:34 pm - Reply

    This is interesting. We haven’t really tried mixing but with the health benefits, it’s definitely worth the try. Thank you for sharing this.

  12. jennifer sarno cruz 2022/04/08 at 4:09 pm - Reply

    I would love to try this because of the benefits it can give us

  13. Rio 2023/02/15 at 2:45 am - Reply

    I agree with choosing rice mixed with corn as a staple food, besides being good for the body it will also reduce carbo consumption

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