Sansfluo Baby Gift Pack Giveaway

Sansfluo Baby Gift Pack Giveaway

Mommies always want the best for their babies and often we scour the supermarkets for the safest products. Sansfluo has a range of baby safe products from tooth gels to gum wipes to toothbrushes.

Sansfluo for FBSansfluo is a product of Health Amendments, Inc. Out of a desire to have toothpaste that has no fluoride for her kids; Dr. Gemma M. Chavez decided to make a local brand. In 2004, HAI launched SansFluo Toothgel Cleanser.Β  Inspired by the heartwarming response of mothers to SansFluo, the company introduced other oral care products in the market, this time addressing the particular needs of various consumer groups.

SansFluo Toothgel Cleanser is specially formulated toothpaste for infants and toddlers from 0 to 6 years old. It is fluoride free and safe to swallow.

We know many of the mommies in the group use Sansfluo and we would love to read about how Sansfluo has helped your baby’s needs.

a Rafflecopter giveaway


  1. irina maneclang

    i wanna try this pls. send me one.

  2. joanne

    Sansfluo has the safest and most reliable products for babies.

  3. lorie joy

    i want to win this gift pack because i always want the best for my baby, and sansfluo is a great choice.

  4. Shiella Ang
    [email protected]
    I want to win this gift pack for my baby because I am concern with my kid’s health and safety. Knowing Sansflou is all natural with no flouride gives me assurance in terms of oral hygiene.

  5. Lolita Singwatt
    I love to win this giveaway because the product is safe and best for babies and I only want the very best

  6. The video is very informative regarding the importance of oral hygiene care and the factors on how Sansflluo could be a big help in the oral care are discussed. However, the slideshow per screen appears fast that we need to hit pause so that we could be able to read everything

  7. I want to win this gift pack because oral hygiene and health are important. Since Sansfluo is all-natural and has no fluoride that can harm my child when she swallows it, it’s the best brand to give her. Plus, my daughter is in love with the orange flavor toothpaste! πŸ™‚

    Aleigna Lin Tejada
    [email protected]

  8. Lorna Mariano
    [email protected]

    I want to win this gift pack for my baby because its BIG help for my son. and Big help also for me with he’s Oral Hygiene.. This Product of Sansfluo is very useful.

  9. Sarah Villacorta

    I want to win this gift pack for my baby because my baby really loves Sansflou. It’s the only product she’s using for teeth care since before. And what I love about this product, is it’s safe to swallow.

  10. Crisselle Ann De Guzman

    I want to win this gift pack for my baby because SansFluo is safe and reduces gum diseases and no preservatives.

  11. Aldrin Montierro

    Name: Aldrin Montierro
    Email: [email protected]

    I want to win this gift pack for my baby because my wife and I decided to use Sansfluo products for our baby when her first tooth started to shoot. We are first time mom and dad and we wanted to give all the best for our baby. This product is effective in cleaning her mouth and teeth and it made us worry free because the ingredients used are safe even if swallowed.

  12. hannaespiritu

    I want to win this gift pack for my baby because my 1 year old babys tooth is about to pop out,, and right now she is doesn’t want to eat anything,maybe sansflou toothing products will help her ease the pain she’s feeling right now.

  13. Almaira Casanguan

    Almaira Casanguan
    [email protected]

    I wanna win this giftpack because my 3 years old son uses it and also my 8 mos.old baby also uses it,If i win makakatipid ako maybe a month.Thanks.

  14. Liza aquino
    [email protected]

    I want to win this gift pack because my son’s teeth has just started to come out (after a very long wait) and it would be great to have gentle products to help take care of this teeth.

  15. Roxane Cabile-Montierro

    I want to win this gift pack for my baby because I am a Sansfluo mom. I’ve used Sansfluo products since my baby starts teething, from the Xylitol Swabs, to wipes, and toothgel cleanser. I am not worried because Sansfluo products are safe for my baby and super effective in cleaning her teeth until now that she is 2 years and 4 months old.

  16. Roxane Cabile-Montierro

    Name: Roxane Cabile-Montierro
    Email: [email protected]

    I want to win this gift pack for my baby because I am a Sansfluo mom. I’ve used Sansfluo products since my baby starts teething, from the Xylitol Swabs, to wipes, and toothgel cleanser. I am not worried because Sansfluo products are safe for my baby and super effective in cleaning her teeth until now that she is 2 years and 4 months old.

  17. Maricris Abarabar

    Maricris T. Abarabar
    [email protected]
    I want to win this gift pack for my baby because I want my son to have healthy teeth, no harm bec it is flouride free and safe to swallow.

  18. Grace Nelly Reyes

    I want to win this gift pack for my toddlers (3 & 6 years old) because they enjoy the tutti-frutti taste of Sansfluo toothpaste.

  19. Sansfluo is the only brand we trust for our daughter’s oral hygiene and dental health. She enjoys teeth brushing using Sansfluo (Strawberry flavor) toothgel cleanser for years. I hope to win! πŸ™‚ it will be lovely if my daughter will receive this as a birthday gift. ☺

  20. Mona Verdida

    Mona Verdida
    [email protected]
    I want to win this gift pack for my baby because my little girl just loves using Sansfluo as she brushes her teeth.

  21. lovely joy merced

    I want to win this gift pack for my baby because I love him and want the safest and best product for him.

    Lovely Joy Merced
    [email protected]

  22. Mary Grace V. Saquing [email protected]

    I want to win this gift pack for my baby because this is the only toothpaste that she likes the taste and doesn’t make her gag during brushing time. The tooth and gum wipes are perfect also to make sure her teeth, tongue and gums are clean. Good luck to us….

  23. Jen

    I want to win this gift pack for my baby because I want to make sure he’ll receive the best oral care possible and I believe sansfluo have what it takes to help me achieve my goal as a Mom. My baby has been using the sansfluo tooth gel for his oral care since then and just as now, we ran out of stock so winning this would be a great help. :p

  24. Carlos Andres

    i would like to win this giveaway so my daughter can this brand. hoping to win. thank you.

  25. I want to win this giftpack because this is the oral care products that I am looking for babies need. This SansFluo Toothgel Cleanser is specially formulated toothpaste for infants and toddlers. It is fluoride free and safe to swallow. Thus teaching the baby cleaning/brushing teeth would be a good bonding for mom and baby. #fun #bonding #oralproducts #SafeForBabies #WorryFreeMommy #Sansfluo

  26. Mary Anne Tapang

    Mary Anne Tapang
    [email protected]
    I want to win this gift pack for my niece/nephew (right now we don’t know the gender yet) because I want only the best and safest products for our little angel.

  27. Princess Buenviaje

    I want to win this gift pack for my baby because i want my baby to have a healthy teeth and gums.

    Princess Buenviaje
    [email protected]

  28. Joyce Loresco

    I want to win this gift pack for my kids because it’s fluoride free toothpaste. i know this is very safe for my kids.

  29. dee ira fortes

    dee ira fortes
    [email protected]
    I want to win this gift pack for my baby because i know that the product of sansfluo give my babys need so i cannot worry of his gums problem and i love this giveaway πŸ™‚

  30. Liked, shared and hoping to win this because my baby Z loves this toothpaste especially now. Brushing is fun. Its best to teach them early.

  31. Theresa Cruz-Escaros

    I want to win this gift pack for my baby because My son still uses Sansfluo for rinsing his mouth after a snack.
    Theresa Cruz-Escaros
    [email protected]

  32. Sarah Mae Villarma

    Sarah Mae Villarma
    [email protected]

    I want to win this gift pack for my baby because I badly need it for my new born baby this would be really a big help for me!

  33. hannaespiritu

    Hanna Espiritu
    [email protected]

    I want to win this gift pack for my baby because my i year old babys tooth is starts to come in. And she is having a hard time eating maybe sansflou toothing products will help her soothe the pain.

  34. sherry ann gole cruz

    sherry ann gole cruz
    [email protected]
    I want to win this gift pack for my baby because she loves Sansfluo toothpaste,she loves to brush her teeth with Sansfluo!

  35. crystal cruz

    Crystal Cruz
    [email protected]

    I want to win this gift pack for my baby because sansfluo products is one of the best product when it comes to the baby care. I loved the sansfluo product.

  36. Arra Odeza

    I want to win this gift pack for my baby because Sansflou is a trusted and tested brand for my daughter πŸ™‚

    Arra Odeza
    [email protected]

  37. Nilyn Matugas
    [email protected]
    I want to win this gift pack for my baby because Nate just turned one and it’s this came at the right time when I started worrying about what product to choose for him as his toothpaste and toothbrush. Also a perfect product since he’s currently teething (6th tooth). I hope to get this as Nate’s late birthday gift. πŸ™‚

  38. I want to win this gift pack for my baby because he’s 8 months now, he’s starting to teeth and I’m having sleepless night because he’s irritable in his sleep, this will be a big help!

  39. Millete Tejada Lacro

    I want to win this gift pack for my baby joaquin because we love sansfluo. Its a trusted and tested brand for us because we use sansfluo since joaquin is 6 months old.

  40. Millete Tejada Lacro

    Millete T. Lacro
    [email protected]

    I want to win this gift pack for my baby joaquin because we love sansfluo. Its a trusted and tested brand for us because we use sansfluo since joaquin is 6 months old.

  41. Rachelle Therese F. Gonzales

    I want to win this gift pack for my inaanak for her upcoming 1st birthday, this is truly a gift she will really benefit a lot.

    Rachelle Therese F. Gonzales
    [email protected]

  42. Sheryll Popioco

    I want to win this gift pack for my baby because I want the best for her. She’s turning 7 months this may 28 and her teeth has just started to come out and I want her to use the Sansflou products from tooth gels to gum wipes to toothbrushes because I know I need not worry because it is fluoride free, safe to swallow and safe for infants as well as to toddlers.

  43. Jessica

    I want to win this gift pack for my niece because i like to try this for her..

  44. Jessica

    I want to win this gift pack because i like to try this for me and my family.

  45. Shirley

    Shirley Mendoza
    [email protected]

    I wanna win this for my son cause he now brushes his teeth by himself, but he wont spit everything out. And he is now growing molars and lost some tooth too thats why he needs a soothing gel. πŸ™‚ thanks

  46. Augusto Capote

    I want to win this gift pack because I don’t want to get baby cavities for my 9 months old baby.

  47. Augusto Capote

    I want to win this gift pack because I don’t want to get baby cavities for my 9 months old baby.

    Augusto Capote
    [email protected]

  48. Melissa Amparo

    Melissa Villamater-Amparo
    [email protected]
    I want to win this gift pack for my baby because she’s turning one this June and I want her to start taking good care of her teeth even at a young age.

  49. Jamb L. dela Pena

    I want to win this gift pack for my baby because I love him so much I don’t wanna see him in pain now that he’s on his teething stage.

  50. Liza Parafina

    I want sansflou for my son because cleanse the teeth throughly,freshen the breath, and makes the teeth stronger.

  51. Kristine Ramil

    I want to win this package because sansfluo is a good oral product that helps keep my sons teeth healthy and freshens his breath.

  52. Ebeth Duyao

    I want to win this gift pack for my baby because this is my trusted brand for my baby’s little teeth. I’m so excited to have this pack. ^_^

  53. Vicenta Rada

    Vicenta C. Rada
    [email protected]

    I want to win this gift pack for my baby who is 2 years old now because it is fluoride free and safe to swallow and powered by xylitol.

  54. Dolores Tejada

    Dolores Tejada
    [email protected]

    Gusto ko pong manalo ng sansfluo products para sa aking mga apo si ola at joaquin dahil gusto ko pong maalagaan ang kanilang mga teeth katulad ng pag aalaga ko sa kanila.

  55. Anne Marie Dragon

    I want to win this gift pack for my baby because this is what I have been using since my baby had her first tooth and it is really a great help. I trust the brand too. I know that it is safe for my baby.

  56. Katherine Grace Punla

    I want to win this gift pack because I know Sansflou is safe for my baby and to maintain his fresh breath and white teeth.

  57. Ma.karla Sambajon

    i want to win this gift pack. bcoz i cannot afford to buy it for some reason. i want to try this to my little childrens.

  58. raine de leon

    I would like to win this gift because I am sure my baby Praise will really enjoy every minute using it. <3

  59. ivi

    Exactly what I need for my baby who is 14mos and with 8teeths.. But I haven’t brush her teeth yet because I can’t find the product that suits her. I am hesitant to buy from the groceries, and Sansflou may seem to be a good product as lots of moms are liking it. I Hope to have a sample pack.

  60. Lorena Capote

    Lorena Capote
    [email protected]

    I want to win this gift pack because I don’t want to get baby cavities for my 9 months old baby.

  61. angie quitaleg

    Angie Quitaleg
    [email protected]

    I want to win this gift pack for my baby who is nearly turning 7 mos. old & already has one tooth showing so I can use a safe product to help in his teething and also I only want the best for my only child.

  62. Hope to win this amazing giveaway of Oral Health Care for Babies! Sansfluo Baby Giftpack! To experience its best effectiveness to attained the healthiest teeth for my babies! πŸ™‚

  63. chelle delos santos

    our first child has been using sanfluo tooth gel cleanser since she had her first tooth. cleaning gums and teeth is so easy, she even does it on her own. it’s safe so we dont worry about swallowing. we tried other kids’ toothpaste but she disliked them. she is now 2 and ussually gets compliment for her beautiful teeth. we plan to use it for our son as well once he starts growing teeth. so happy with sansfluo.

  64. Dandi D

    I want to win this gift pack for my baby because I am always looking for good natural baby products.

  65. Pristine de santos

    Very gum friendly to my daughter coz sheβ€˜s on teething stage now. She loved the taste. Sansfluo is a worthy used. We are hoping also to have a gift pack from them. Like other moms here. Godbless everyone!! Sansfluo rock!!

  66. Josephine Senora

    I want to win this gift pack for my baby because my he loves it. His a loyal user of SansFluo ever since he needed to brushed his teeth up to now. He really enjoys his toothbrush with SansFluo. Sansfluo is my trusted brand for my baby’s dental care. After his dentist recommended me its the time to introduced my baby to a baby toothpaste , I went to Watson to find out if they have a toothpaste for my baby’s teeth and luckily I found SansFluo products for our baby’s teeth. I was amaze by this product because it helps to clean baby’s teeth with fluoride free. Aside from that, even my baby can brush his teeth alone, I’m not worried too much because this product said to be safe ingredients even he swallow it accidentally even in a small pea. Of course I needed to guide him too. Its effective to clean teeth and as well the gums and tongue too. Thank You SansFluo for making my baby’s teeth clean and safe. Hoping I will won this Awesome prizes it will help more my baby’s teeth to maintain clean and healthy. I’ll share it to my cousin for her baby also.

  67. I want to win this gift pack for my baby(niece) because I’d like her to take care of her tooth health as early as possible. I would like to teach her proper oral healthcare with Sansfluo.

  68. January Ferrera
    [email protected]

    I want to win this gift pack for my 4 year old son and 1 year and 6 months daughter. They are loyal users of Sansfluo and also because with Sansfluo, I am confident that my children are safe from harsh chemicals.

  69. Leny Martinez

    I want to win this giftpack for my baby and also for my niece and nephew because i want them to have a healthy and have them a good oral hygiene..

    leny Martinez
    [email protected]

  70. ella C.

    Im a first time mom and I want the best for my baby. Hope to win this so i can give the best formmy baby πŸ™‚

  71. mary joy supetran

    name: mary joy supetran
    Email: [email protected]

    I want to win this gift pack for my baby because this products is hypo-allergenic and are not harmful for baby’s skin.

  72. Angel Guzarin

    Angel Anne Guzarin
    [email protected]
    I want to win this gift pack for my godchild because it will help the baby to have better teeth in the future πŸ™‚

  73. mercy grace dela cruz

    i want to win this gift pack for my daughter cos sansfluo is safe and effective for babies gums and teeth

    mercy grace dela cruz
    [email protected]

  74. mae abigail songco

    Mae Abigail Songco
    [email protected]

    I want to win this gift pack for my baby because it is safe for them, and it is a local brand that’s a plus points! i have a 1yr old boy and a 3yo girl, and both of them love to brush their teeth! i believe that this product is very desirable for them.. cheers! for introducing such brand! πŸ™‚

  75. Vanessa Grace C. Lim

    Name: Vanessa Grace C. Lim
    Email: [email protected]

    I want to win this gift pack for my baby because would love to switch and try Sansfluo products.

  76. lizelle dela cruz

    my daughters have been using sansfluo products for years. they enjoyed the taste and we love the effects. it will bring smiles in their faces when they receive a gift pack.

  77. I want to win this gift pack for my baby because i want to try these products for my babies, i heard from my friends that these products are good.

  78. Sansfluo products have been a necessity to my family ever since my babies are born. We use the gum wipes since my babies are 2 months old and when they started toothbrush training, we use the tooth gel. My 1 yo daughter uses both products because we are currently transitioning from using the gum wipes to toothbrush. My 2yo daughter on the other hand only prefers the tooth gel among other kiddie toothpastes because she does not like the taste of mint. She likes the strawberry flavor of Sansflou. Both the gum wipes and tooth gel smell yummy too. My kids love it! I hope to win the gift pack!

  79. Rachel Anne Del Rosario

    I want to win this sansflou giftpack for my baby because i am very particular for my kids oral health and actually my baby girl is currently using sansflou tooth wipes and tooth cleanser. Hope to win.
    Name: Rachel Anne Del Rosario
    Email:[email protected]

  80. Angelica Amalynn

    I was looking for products that are safe for babies to improve their oral health and i stumbled upon your page. I immediately ordered in Lazada. Once the package arrived, I tested it on my baby. πŸ™‚
    I am so happy because he loves Sansfluo. It will really be a great help for me if i win this giveaway.
    It will not only benefit my baby’s health but also , my (pocket). hehehe

    [email protected]

  81. Rachel Agcaoili

    I want to win this gift pack for my daughter because it is a trusted product and safe for kids.
    Name- Rachel Agcaoili
    Email- [email protected]

  82. Istin Dizon Paigna

    Maria Christina Gumatay
    [email protected]
    I want to win this gift pack for my bestfriend’s baby because I want her daughter to be pampered with these kids friendly products from Sansfluo.

  83. Emilie Udasco

    Emilie Udasco
    [email protected]

    I want to win this gift pack for my baby because this is the only toothpaste my baby wants to use. I am super confident with this product because I know it safe for my baby. Hope to win this! Thanks! πŸ™‚

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