Join The Jolly New Year GiveAway!

Looking for ways how to make a delicious yet budget-friendly holiday feast? Chef Mitchie Sison’s recipe recommendations are here to make your New Year festive yet easier on your time and pocket.

Using Jolly Mushrooms, Jolly Whole Corn Kernel and Jolly Maraschino Cherries, you can have a flavorful appetizer, filling and comforting chicken and pasta dishes, and a sparkling mocktail to top it all off for 6 people at less than Php300 per serving!

Join this Jolly New Year Giveaway. Just share your own recipe using Jolly ingredients or share this recipe to your Facebook page and social media to have a chance to win a gift pack from Jolly. You can click the giveaway promo beneath this page!



Click here for the recipe of GARLIC CHICKEN WITH GRAVY SAUCE

Click here for the recipe of CHEESY MUSHROOM PENNE

Enjoy your New Year celebration and family gatherings even more with suggested recipes of Quezo-Butter Corn, Garlic Chicken with Gravy Sauce, Cheesy Mushroom Penne and May-ry, Cherry and Orange Mocktail using Jolly Food Line’s wide range of products. With these on your menu, your New Year celebrations will surely be merry and jolly!


Join this Jolly New Year Giveaway! Just use any recipe above or share any of your Jolly recipe and follow the rafflecopter below to get a chance to win a special Jolly gift pack! (*gift pack content may not be the same as photo)

a Rafflecopter giveaway

JOLLY is a canned fruits and vegetable line marketed and exclusively distributed by Fly Ace Corp., one of the leading food and beverage consumer goods companies in the country today. Propelling limitless multiple-category growth by bringing the best of the world closer to Filipino homes, Fly Ace Corp.’s portfolio of food and beverage products includes house brands and exclusively distributed brands.  For more updates, visit or like its official Facebook fanpage or follow via Twitter and Instagram (@jollyeatsph). 


  1. Lhourdes Mercadero

    Last week, I prepared Cheesy Buttered Corn inspired by Jolly recipe.
    Chelsea loves the Jolly Whole Corn Kernels that’s why I always make sure to have in our meals as side dish or snacks.

  2. The Cheesy Mushroom Penne sounds delish! I want to try it maybe on my youngest son’s birthday this January. He loves cheese and he loves pasta!

  3. We’ve prepared fruit salad using Jolly Fruit Cocktail for media noche later. 🙂 For next weekend, I want to try that Cheesy Jolly Mushroom penne recipe!

  4. Angelie Namindang

    I love to try the CHEESYJOLLY MUSHROOM PENNE recipe on my son’s birthday this January 22. Looks so yummy and delicious, and for sure my kids will love it. 🙂

  5. Ma. Clarice Lao

    I would love to use the Garlic Chicken with Gravy Sauce Recipe next week. I’m sure its going to be a hit with the kids and kids at heart.

  6. Meatballs With Jolly Cream Of Mushroom Gravy sounds great. It is very appropriate in any occasion. I will be using this one on my birthday this coming February.

  7. Jeralyn San Jose

    Burger Steak (prepared with jJolly cream of mushroom and Jolly mushroom piesces and stems). The holiday is over. And kids are coming back again to school. I decided to make a packed lunch for kid. This time I will upgrade a Burger Steak with Jolly ingredients that will make him excited. Kids favorie includes burger steak right? Simple dish that I will upgrade using my new found kitchen friend Jolly food products. Get ready for this my lovely kid.Your school days will be awesome starting today. Your mommy will make recipes for you with version 2.0 using Jolly Food products.

  8. Emilie Udasco

    I would love to try “Cheesy Jolly Mushroom Penne” for my daughter Elexia’s 12 birthday who loves pasta and mushroom! 🙂

  9. Jeralyn San Jose

    Guess What? I tried Garlic Chicken with Gravy Sauce over our lunch today. And it is totally blockbuster! Our family loves chicken and every week it is always present to our family meal. So Jolly Eats better be ready to create more recipes using Jolly foods because starting today Im gonna checkin on your recipes and try to imitate those!

  10. We will be having a mini-get together and I’m planning to cook the Cheesy Jolly Mushroom Penne. I’m sure my friends will love it!

  11. Made Bacon Fettuccine for Media Noche using Dona Elena Al Dente Penne. 🙂

  12. Aldrin Montierro

    The Jolly recipe that I am planning to cook is Quezo-Butter Corn, a good side-dish for GARLIC CHICKEN WITH GRAVY SAUCE for my daughter’s birthday treat to her classmates and teachers at school this on the 28th of this month.

  13. Roxane Cabile-Montierro

    The Jolly recipe that I am planning to cook is CHEESY MUSHROOM PENNE, we love pasta and good thing that Jolly has ingredients that will make this pasta staple a healthy and a hit for everyone. This is the best food for my daughter’s 4th birthday this January 28, 2017.

  14. I’m a chicken lover and for this coming Valentine’s or even before that, I plan to cook this Garlic Chicken with Gravy Sauce dish. I’m sure my two children will love it as they’re both chicken and gravy lovers. I’ve always been a loyal Jolly user since I started cooking dishes that require mushrooms.

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